o.k., i'm finally getting around to post about camp!! we went on sunday (it was check-in day) after church. so, we only had a half day in which happened this- we checked in, found out which cabin we were in, who our counselor was and who was in our cabin. said goodbye to mom and dad, and just kinda hung out at the cabin 'til dinner (which was pizza! yummy!!). then we had chapel and after that cabin devos!! yeay! i love chapel! the speaker was Jodi Greenstreet, and she rocks!! she is just so in love with Jesus, it's unreal! she just gets down on our level, and helps us understand the Bible so much better! :) so, basically what she talked about was eternal life (and i'm a sidekick, you're a sidekick. lol!). she talked about how in Genesis 2:9, God put 2 trees the the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God basically gave them a choice between the 2 trees. If they had chosen to eat of the Tree of Life, they would have gotten eternal life!! We have been created to be filled with eternal life. Adam and Eve had to make a life or death decision. The question she asked at the end was "What is eternal life??", and she wanted us to find out and give our answers at chapel the next night. It was a great day, and we were all exhausted at the end! (oh, and another thing, there were 2 teams, the ultimate avengers and the justice league. (it was a superhero theme, zerohour.) we were on the ultimate avengers! go us!) (i'm not sure if i have pictures from sunday or not...my camera is not cooperating...) (haha!! i have conquered the camera!! it turns out i have a lot of pictures!! here are some of them--)
Naomi took the white band swimming test, and got it!! :) yeay!!

our red bands (swimming again. you have to swim 1/4 of a mile and do a kayak and canoe test. it lets you go out on the lake in a kayak or canoe!)

meghan's redness

the veiw from our bathroom window!! (insane, huh?!)

ice cream after the game we played (which was before chapel, oopps, forgot about that! we played the clothes pin game, where you have 5 clothes pins on your back, and you run around trying to get the other team's clothes pins and put them in your team's kiddy pool. the team with the most after the round wins and gets a bunch of points for their team!!)

jaina and rachel


the sunset over the field

lacey and jodi during chapel (a little dark, i know)

deuteronomy, the band. they totally rocked!!

playing a game on rachel's bunk before bed

that's it for sunday!! i might have time to put monday on, but i'm not sure. i love camp! and Jesus!
Tori, I love Jesus, too, and I love you! It's cool that you're re-capping camp now. My very favorite of all your photos (days Monday through Wednesday, at least) is the "view from the bedroom window". The persepective, colors, and contrast are gorgeous.
thanks! :) i only have one 1/2 more days to re-cap! almost done...
(oh, your favorite picture is actually from the bathroom window!)
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