Monday, September 24, 2007

no time at all...

i know, i should be posting more to tell you all about my adventures in "real" school, but with "real" school also comes "real" homework and also "really" no time! so, as some of you know, i leave between 6:50 and 7:05 in the morning and get back around 6, then i have to eat, do homework and sometimes shower (if i have time) before bed, so i think i have somewhat of an excuse formulating at the moment for not blogging for long periods of time!! i really would like to post so much more, but i have no time!! today was just kind of one of those blahhhh days...i really needed a hug, and not just any hug, but a hug from bekah, and i didn't see her 'till after school, so today wasn't exactly the best day of my life. but, whatever, everyone has those i have to go to soccer practice...that has been going pretty well. i'm on jv, but i'm what's called a "swinger" (i'm on varsity, too, and do things with varsity when jv doesn't have anything. i'm also one of the captains of the jv team, which is pretty cool!! jv's had 2 games, we were supposed to have 3, but the other team didn't show up for the first one. we won the 1st one, 2-1 and lost the 2nd, 6-1. :( our next game is wednesday, and if anyone wants to come watch us, let me know, and i'll give you our schedule!! i really have to go get ready for to you all later!! (i miss all you hsers sooooo much!)

Monday, September 17, 2007

just be still

"Be still, and know that I am God" --Psalm 46:10

what an awesome phrase. God tells us just be still, calm down, and know that He is God. in the middle of a crazy day, where nothing seems to be going right, just be still and know that God is still there and is in control, and knows what's going on.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i really am alive!

just letting you all know again that i really am alive!! school's going really well, it's now been a week, and i'm not terribly stressed out or tired (yet!)!! soccer is awesome!! i'm on jv, but they want me to play and practice with the varsity whenever the jv doesn't have something, too. tomorrow varsity has a game and jv has a game friday, so i'm looking forward to those!! all the teachers are really nice and great! the kids are, too! so, just wanted to let you all know that i haven't fallen off the face of the earth (all though that might be kinda funny, in a scary sorta way...). i guess i'll talk to you all later, and please don't stop praying! i've gotta go finnish my homework!! :)

we will never's been 6 years since the terrorist attack on the trade centers. remember to pray for the familys of those who were killed, and never forget that God knows what's going on, and He's got it all under control, even when we're lost and confused!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

prayer needed, please

request for prayer...reuben has a stomach bug right now, and he's not too happy, so if you all could pray that he gets better soon, that would be awesome! :)

and also prayer for whole family is starting tomorrow (i know, it feels like just yesterday we were getting out of school...), so if you could pray that this year goes smoothly, and my siblings cooperate and work hard at all their subjects and that my mom doesn't get too stressed out, that would be awesome too!

and also prayer for school for me....if you know me, you probably know my situation, but i haven't written about it on here yet, so i guess i will now! well, i've been homeschooled for my whole life (except for first grade), and so at the end of the last school, my parents were looking into our options for school this year. my mom said that i wouldn't be able to continue be totally homeschooled, because she didn't think that she would be able to keep up with me in some of my subjects (mostly math), so we were exploring our options. basically, our options were, stay at home, but take some classes somewhere else (like online, at the local college, at our local high school, or a tutoring program), go to a public school (the one in our city isn't too great), or go to a private school (which is really expensive, and we couldn't really afford). so, basically what we did was, they had an entrance exam at the private school we were looking at, and my mom basically was like, well why not try it, we have nothing to lose, right?? so, she told me all this the day before the test, but anyways, i took the entrance exam, and my scores were pretty high, so i was invited to take the headmaster's exam. the highest scorer in the headmaster's exam gets the headmaster's scholarship which is a full ride for all the years you go to school there. so my mom said that basically the only way we could go there was if i got the headmaster's scholarship. and, guess what? God is awesome, and He always provides!! i got the scholarship, and now i'm going to school there!! it's going to be pretty crazy, but God's awesome! so, now all i have to do to keep the scholarship is maintain a b average, participate regularly in school activities and add to the community (or something along those lines!). so, that's my story, i'll keep you updated on what's going on in my life and how God is working! thanks to all of you who have been praying with my family and i from the start! you all rock! :)


this video is really awesome! it shows how Jesus rescues us, no matter how lost we are! i just thought it was really cool.

board the enemy plane!!

yesterday, naomi, ashlee and i went to hang out with meghan for a little bit (you might have already seen the post on meghan's blog about it!). it was a lot of fun!! :) meghan rocks! when we first got there, we played ddr2 (dance dance revolution 2)! it was a lot of fun, but i need to let y'all know that i absolutely stink at it!! lol! i tried to do the 2nd level on one song, and i got an e (that's the worst score you can get!). but whatever, it was fun! after we all were kinda doing horribly, we decided to put it on the highest level, have each of us take an arrow and try to do it that way! that did work too well, but it was a lot of fun! :) the highest score we got doing that was a c...not too bad! lol! after that we played hot wheels, lot of fun, too!! then i helped meghan put some of the avatars i made on her blog, which was successful!! meghan also showed us the trailer for national treasure 2!! i just saw the first one, and it was really good, and the second one looks like it might be even better!! we went to play outside after that to play on her way awesome swing set!! we were playing planes/army, and we decided to make a movie!! it's pretty awesome (watch it below!!) (o.k., maybe not...i'm going to try to put it on later...)! i filmed it, and ashlee, meghan and naomi were the main characters. there are breath-taking stunts, like jumping onto the tops of airplanes; moving music; and superb acting! you should definitely check it out!
i had a really good time with meghan and my sisters!! thanks for having us over!! love ya! :)

oh, btw, meghan, we watched hidalgo last night!! it was really good!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

soccer, school, and random

so, i survived preseason!!! yeay! last week was really, really, really busy! it started off on monday with the 9th grade retreat for all the freshmen. it was pretty cool, and i think it was really good to get to know people before the first day of school, so you aren't walking in on the first day and knowing 2 people. so, i met a lot of people and a bunch of the teachers, too. the retreat went from monday to tuesday, and we slept over at a church. on tuesday afternoon, i started preseason for soccer. it had already started for everyone except the freshmen on monday, but we couldn't go because of the retreat!! sooo, my coaches (coach mike [he's a character, that's all i'm supposed to say!], coach scott [he's great!], and coach becky [she's great, too!]) are awesome, and so are the captains (jamie, kelsey, and holly)! preseason was really, really, really intense!! we did a lot of fitness, like running/sprinting, push ups (real ones! *cringe*), sit ups/crunches, and things like that. it was most definitely intense, and i was sore for the whole week except for thursday and friday. oh, we had 2 sessions in the afternoon which made up preseason, session 1, which was from 1-3, and session 2, which was from 5-7. so, on wednesday during the 2nd session, all the freshmen and sophomores scrimmaged against coach mike's club team! we won, 1-0, but it was just a scrimmage. it was pretty fun, just to get to actually play, but we were pretty bad, seeing it was the first time playing together! oh, another thing, on wednesday's last session, the coaches said that they were going to post varsity and jv teams the next day. so, i'm on the jv team! all the freshmen (except for 4) are on it. well, now it gives me something to work for! :) on friday instead of our sessions, we had a scrimmage against a public school. it was good, i guess! we played a 40 min. half, two 20 min. quarters, and then 30 more min. mostly the varsity team played for the 40 min, and the 20 min quarters. then the jv team got to play for the 30 min. at the beginning of the 2nd 20 min quarter, our coaches were telling everyone where they were going to play, and he said something like "and tori, you're going in on defence with jamie. we're playing 4 now" (we had been playing 3 in the back before that) "just listen to jamie, and you'll be fine." i was just like O_O no way! i think i was the only freshman on the jv team to play during the 40, 20, and 20 min. i thought that was pretty cool! jamie is totally awesome! she's an amazing soccer player, and really patient and just great! soo, i got to play center back with jamie in the last 20 min, then i played center back with emma and jamie (during the 30 min)! we lost something like a lot to 0, but it's all good! soccer is so much fun! :) all the girls are really friendly and just plain awesome! so, jv has practice every other day, while varsity had it everyday, but next week, there's a tournament thingy for the varsity, and the coach said he wanted me to play with them! another O_O no way! moment! lol! so, we had a busy week, and next week is the start of school (the 4th is the first day), so that's going to be interesting!
a couple random things, i found my locker!!! it's pretty cool! there are 2 different kinds, little gray ones and big blue ones, and i got a blue one!! :) happy, happy! and i opened it all by myself a bunch of time! now the question is if i'll be able to open it during school! so, if you all could pray for me, that would be totally great, i'll definitely be needing it! :)
another thing that made the week a little busier! we had orientation on thursday. it was pretty cool, saw a bunch of people i knew, and got to know the layout of the school a little better!
so, i guess that's all for now, happy 1st of september (already!)!!