last friday to saturday, ashlee had her birthday party, and some of her friends slept over. it was really fun! we watch the really old Disney movie "B.R.A.T. Patrol" and stayed up talking about the usual things (boys, random stories....interupting random stories with random comments, you know! ;)) until around 2:30 or sometime around there! lol! :) it was a lot of fun! thanks for inviting me ashlee, that was very nice of you! :) we had to wake up pretty early for our paper route which kinda stunk, but oh well! so, before breakfast, meghan, sophie, emmaline and i (with others checking in occasionally) made a bunch of icons! it was a lot of fun, meghan had a bunch of great ideas! here they are (i think they came out pretty cool!)--

and another one i won't put unless a certian person (*coughhinttreecough*) allows me to! :) i thought they all came out o.k., all were meghan's ideas, except for the "fine be that way" one which was emmaline's idea! :)
btw, i'm gonna try to post about friday at camp soon...just have to find that valuable thing called time...
i think those are all WICKED AWESOME icons!! my fave is the yummy cookie one!! who's hinttree? ooooooh! is it the "guy leaning on tree" one???
Tori, U forgot to mention Quinn is one of my book chacters, now your poor blog readers R wondering who Quinn is. lol
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