thursday morning, jodi did the message instead of kelsey. she talked about something she had talked about 2 years ago. i am a hose, you are a hose! :) she talked about how we all are hoses. we are either a spiritually dead hose (not connected to the power source), a spiritually just alive hose (connected to the power source, but no water flowing through), or a spiritually living hose (a connected and pumped on!). we were created to know God (knowing His love, and having it flow through you). how to get cranked on-- believe God (we have to believe God can use us), and let go and say yes to God!! it's not about us. God's love flowing through us is meant for others. get them wet!! are we spiritually dead, just alive, or alive and pumped on?? we need to reach out to others outside our comfort zone, and soak them with Jesus' love!! the verses we talked about were, john 15:15 (vine and branches, if we aren't abiding in Jesus, we can't do anything), john 5:19 (Jesus can't do anything apart from the Father), philippians 2:8 (Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient to the Father to the point of death) and hebrews 5:7-9 (Jesus is the source of eternal salvation).
for quests, we had challenge course (yeay!) and field activity again. i love the challenge course!! it was a lot of fun!! it's kinda hard to explain the game we played, but we completed it! :) for field activity, we just kinda hung out in the gym and played mafia and the winking game. it was pretty fun, but i kina wanted to play kickball...oh well! :)
we had lunch on the beach, and you could go swimming!! it was pretty cool, even though we had really warm chili and!
oh, thursday's chill time was awesome!! kelsey, jodi, patti, zach and a couple of other people were out on the orbit, and we watched them for the whole chill time from our way awesome porch!! it was awesome! they were doing flips and pushing people off and trying to do the moon walk. zach got almost to the end before he fell off. jodi and kelsey didn't do as well, though!! lol!! we were cheering for them and disrupting chill time!! lol! :) it was really funny!! :)
during free time, i did archery, made a duct tape flower for my secret sister and kinda walked around! lol! :)
after dinner (which was grilled cheese, really good!), we had staff vs camper games!! it was soooooooo much fun!!!! they had volley ball, soccer and another game. guess which one i played...hmm hard one there. lol!! :) it was sooo much fun!! :) there were something like 50 campers against 20 staff. the soccer field was waaayyy too crowded!! oh well, it was fun. did you know that dex and zach are really tall?? i noticed that for the first time when we played against them. the campers lost, something like 3-0, but it was fun!! :) one time, dan was going to kick the ball (like a hard kick not a pass), and i stuck my foot in front of the ball, and he kicked it really hard, and my leg had the imprint of a soccer ball on it for most of the night!! that was pretty cool! (according to ashlee, i have built in shin pads) one girl told me she thinks i'm gonna go pro. she said it would be cool that she could say she went to camp with someone who went pro!! :) i was really amazed by that!! i was just like, uumm, thanks!? lol! so, yea, the soccer game was really fun!! and certain people didn't play, they just watched and used their cameras because a certain person was playing for staff. :P
chapel was awesome! :) at the beginning, we played a game called "prove it!". way fun! jodi said something, and if you though you could do it, and if you were chosen, you went on stage and proved it! john d (he's on staff) said he could do the verse with all the motions, so he "proved it!" it was absolutely hilarious!! :) pictures below! :D
we sang "all in all" and it was soo pretty. the last chorus we did with just voices and it was amazing. staff was there for that chapel, and you could hear all the girls' voices, and the men's voices in the back. it was just so cool!!
the reason why we played "prove it!" was to go with the lesson. how do we prove our love for Jesus?? by loving God and loving others! (john 13:34-35, john 14:15 and ephesians 5:1-2) jodi talked about peter, and how he was always trying to prove his love for Jesus by what he did. but he was missing one thing, his love for others. we prove our love for God by loving others. we need to love each other so that other people want Jesus' love when they see us. God Almighty's my Daddy!! :) this was her challenge: let's love God and others so much that the world doesn't know what hit it!! she asked us what would happen if 200 blasting fire hoses were lined up shoulder to shoulder?? there would be a FLOOD!!
here are pictures-
the winter wonderland lake
sophie, jaina and erika at breakfast
jodi and a fire hose
looking out the gym window
zach doing flips

jodi doing a flip
zach carrying kelsey off the orbit
girls singing during chapel
prove it!
dudududu 30, 19 and 20!
so that you may LIVE!! holding fast (this is so not camp appropriate!)...
spider (not the best pic)
sophie, jaina and erika at breakfast
jodi and a fire hose
looking out the gym window
zach doing flips
jodi doing a flip
zach carrying kelsey off the orbit
girls singing during chapel
prove it!
dudududu 30, 19 and 20!
so that you may LIVE!! holding fast (this is so not camp appropriate!)...
spider (not the best pic)
those muffins were so good! i loved her firehose illustration.
You got awesome pics!!!! Iloved the ones of John D doing the
Did you send the pic of Zack and Kelsey to Jodi and them? They would love that. I got a picture too, but they were almost in the water so it didn't come out as good. BEREA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! That is the spider I saw! He's a beaut, isn't he (she?)?
The people all look good, too, of course.
nice, nice
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