Wednesday, August 15, 2007

goose girl and ender's game

meghan told me to read the book "goose girl" because apparently it's a really good book! i thought it was o.k. (kinda weird at times) was kinda boring at the beginning and for most of the middle, except for little splatterings (how do you like that word?? lol!) of action here and there. but the end is really good!! or at least that's the part that i liked the most!! :) the author, Shannon Hart did a really good job on the end! now i have to go request "enna burning" because my library doesn't have it....

i have to read "ender's game" for school (*gasp!*). well, i don't have to, but i thought it would be interesting. it most definately is interesting (like in kinda strange). it is a really weird book. i'm only about 1/3 through it, but it's been really strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enna Burning and River Screts R much better, trust me!