Tuesday, August 07, 2007

bound and broken [bound in sin]

this was moday (july 23rd). i woke up at 4:15 this morning. the sun rise was absolutely amazing!! once you see the pictures, you cannot doubt that God is an artist! you have not seen a sunrise until you see one at the lake! :) so, monday i started bright and early! breakfast was pancakes! yummy! :) after breakfast we had morning chapel, where kelsey did the message. it was about being bound and broken by sin. How we're born into sin, and the sin limits us. Before we can see all that God has for us, we have to choose life and be freed from sin. We need to realize that we need a savior/superhero. We can't do anything to free ourselves from sin by ourselves. Kelsey always did an illustration for her lessons. monday, she duct-taped a girl to a chair for the whole time. at the end she ate chocolate in front of her, and the girl couldn't have it because she was taped to the chair. basically, the chocolate was all God has for us, and since we're 'tied to a chair' by sin, we can't get it on our own, we need someone else to help us (a.k.a. Jesus!). the verses we talked about were John 8:34 (slaves to sin) and Genesis 2:25, 3:13.
For quest time, we had riflery and archery (archery ROCKS!!)!! rilfery was pretty fun, it was jaina's first time, and i think she had fun!! archery was awesome! i love it! :) after quest time, there's lunch (which was chicken patties), and then chill time, which is basically a rest time. then there's free time, where you can do almost anything you want!! :) i did archery with meghan and taught some people how to make hemp jewelry at the craft shack!! :) after free time is dinner (which was pasta! yum!), and then chapel. maryann is a hair dresser, so for chapel, everyone had crazy hair!! it was insane!! i didn't want to get mine done, but i was forced! ;) maryann did a braid that went all the way around my head. supposedly, i looked "like a princess", but i'm not so sure!! :) so, for chapel, everyone had crazy hair!!
For chapel, jodi talked about eternal life. when she went around and asked what the girls thought it was, most people answered that it was living with God forever in heaven. jodi told us that she had thought it was like a plane ticket, you get it when you're saved and you keep it until you die, and then it's your ticket into heaven and life forever with God. But then she told us what God had been showing her about it. She asked us if it's only a ticket, then what about today?? then she shared John 17:3 with us- "this is Eternal Life, that they" (that's you and me!) "may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." so according to that verse, eternal life is knowing God!! she compared it to a guy proposing and marriage. the ring is the price (a.k.a. Jesus' death), and kneeling is humbling. the guy (and Jesus) are saying "do you want the ring??", they're saying "do you want me??" John 1:10-12 "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him..." we said no to Jesus. He paid the price for us, even though we didn't/don't want Him. Everyday we need to choose to love Jesus (like how in marriage, you don't just say "i love you" once and that's it, you need to choose to love your spouse everyday!). We need to choose to be about Jesus everyday. We need to get to know Jesus. John 17:3-- eternal life is knowing God! to know is to experience. if we are experiencing Jesus, others will notice!
after chapel, we played a game where "mr. bad guy" and his villains hid around the camp in black clothes and the campers had to go and find them and bring them back to the gym. and your team got points for every bad guy you got! the justice leuge got most of the bad guys and they also rescued granny (mr. bad guy had kidnapped her!!). if your team caught mr. bad guy, you got 500,000 point for your team!! so, we were kinda sad, because the justice league caught most of the bad guys and they had rescued granny!! we were sure we had lost...until they announced who had caught mr. bad guy! and it was us!! so we actually ended up winning!! :) and they said it was the first camp session where they had caught both mr. bad guy and rescued granny!! go girls!! :)
here are the pictures--

the sunrise (if you know me, you know i have a lot more than just these! ;) these are only a few!)
jaina and rachel doing riflery
our cabin (gotta love self timer and a fence! ;))
crazy hair!!
meghan's movie star hair and pose
also during chapel, john d, abby, anoli and andy did a really funny thing where they'd read a 'true story' then they would act it out in a really funny way! it was crazy!
that's it!! for now at least.... :)


ashleekd said...

I thought it was really cool how alot of todays traditions are formed around what God did even though we dont relize it!!!!

Erika said...

That was awesome!!!!! You wrote A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaina *JJ* said...

i love camp! i love the pictures tori! their awesomee <3

Jaina *JJ* said...

yeaaah i did have fun!!

Anonymous said...

interesting hair. you took sooooo many pics of the sky, but they are pretty!