Tuesday, March 27, 2007

scavenger hunt

yesterday, we had a scavenger hunt in my city with some of our friends from 'school' (;]) it was so much fun!! my team (me, mrs. b, eric, rachel l., and bethany) came in 1st with 25 points!! go us!! yeay!! we had a lot of fun, and we should totally do it again!! my mom did an awesome job putting all the questions together! we had a bunch of funny things happen, people laughing at us, getting abducted by a 6 ft 8 in strongman and being brought to CT to harvest radishes and do his gardening (courtesy of eric), finding a silhouette (without anything on it to say who it was) (we should go back and put a sticky note on it with the name of the person), freaking out people who eat in subway, finding a 'milky way' weather vane, walking around in the rain, breaking into a museum, and finding out that a stone lion was 'closed for the winter.' quite eventful and fun!! i thought it was awesome!! go my team!! i took a couple pictures, and i might be able to put them on here sometime...maybe...


jb said...

Great synopsis, Tori! We definitely did have fun. I especially liked the idea of putting a sticky note on the nameless silhouette. What's the point of a giant statue of someone's head if no one knows whose head it is? I ask you!

Tori said...

yea, it was a lot of fun!! exactly my point!!