on a different note...i've updated my photoblog quite a few times with a bunch of random spring pictures and some pictures of naomi...check it out [click on the picture]...and let me know what you think!! :
soooo, school is almost over!! yeay!! :D i am experiencing ambivalence (thank you mr. talkington...) over the end of the school year. i'm excited that it'll be over and summer will be here, but i'm also sad that it's over...see, i'm a remembering freak. maybe that's why i love journaling (thanks to jaina) and i freak out when i forget something and why i love photography. i mean, seriously, if i could video tape my while life, i would seriously jump at the opportunity!! (it would be a ton of film, but i think it would be worth it!) i also hate change (or most change....if someone wanted to change our bathroom or possibly build us another one, be my guest! i would welcome that kind of change!), so i don't want to let go of this year. i don't want to loose any of the friendships i've made this year...i don't want to give up my locker!! [i love my locker!! don't take it!!]... i don't want to forget a thing from my first year at "real" school...
anyways, so, all that to say that we're almost done with school...our official very last day is next thursday. today was our very first day of finals (*shudder*) but thankfully, we are now 1/3 through exams!! yeay!! if you all could pray for me and everyone at my school that we would remember everything and not be nervous, all that good stuff, that would be awesome!! thanks! today was literature and math, so it's nice to have those out of the way (especially literature...). monday is physics and history (i'm most nervous about history) and then tuesday is Bible and french (that should be the easiest day...i like both subjects! [i'm really going to miss my french class... :(])...sooo, if you could be praying for us as school winds down, that would be wonderful...
i think that's a brief overview of what's been going on lately...don't forget to be praying for the chapmans!!
1 comment:
you went to public school this year?? coolio! i'm in middle school. i have like SO many friends its not funny! gosh, it's so hot today! like in the 100s
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