Sunday, November 18, 2007


only 2 more days of school till thanksgiving vacation!! yeay!!! i love my family! they rock! oh my gosh, rascal flatt's music video to their song "what hurts the most" is soooooooo sad!! :( we're have a youth conference at our church from november 30-december 2 and i'm sooo excited!! (if you want info, e-mail me!!) lamar is doing music (along with our youth group band!) and dwight knight is going to be speaking!! he is a great speaker!! i am sooooooo pumped!! :D anyways...hopefully i'll have time to post during the week!! :) toodles!!
oh yea, btw, here's a random graphic i made...

p.s. this is my 400th post!!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Cute picture! I can't wait for the youth conference, it's gonna be the bombbbb :)

True love waits is the bessttt.