Thursday, November 01, 2007


i have nothing really to post's going pretty's almost over, i'm happy and sad at the same time...maybe i'll actually get some time once it's over...but i love playing...hopefully i'll be able to play indoor...naomi has a game tonight, under lights...should be pretty fun! :) i got my progress report...if you seriously want to know my grades...e-mail me...well, i guess i'll talk to you all later! :)


Brianna said...

Yeah, playing indoor would be cool...then you could practice all winter long and then come back the next season WICKED good at soccer ;) Hehe. Anyways, I have a riding lesson today! I'll post about it later <3 Don't forget to change the link on your sidebar to my new blog okay? :D AND COMMENT ;)

Aaron C said...

Suffering writer's block, eh? Don't worry, it happens to all of us.

Jaina *JJ* said...

posting while in school eh?

ashleekd said...

yeah tori!!? what are you doing on the computer during school? huh? are you on privlages? again?

jb said...

You and Ashlee both mentioned that Naomi's game is "under lights"! That must mean it is very exciting.

I'm glad that school is going well for you, Tori.