Thursday, May 03, 2007

oh maggie...

today when we went to our homeschoolers class (see previos post) we left maggie 'locked' up in our kitchen. we borrowed a gate from our neighbors (they have small dogs, too) to block one door and piled up some boxes to block the other door. well, somehow she got out of the kitchen and greeted us at the front door when we got home!! our first thought was 'oh no, how did she get out!!'. and we checked the whole house, and we found some evidence that she had been all over!! she had gone to the bathroom on our living room rug, knocked over the trash in the bathroom (that wasn't too bad) and gone to the bathroom on naomi and reuben's bedroom rug!! so, we weren't too please, but oh well, those kind of things happen!! i think i've decided that if i ever get a dog, i'm not going to get a small one. i'd want to get a golden retriever, a rottweiler, a german shepherd, or a lab. i tried to take maggie for a 'run' yesterday, be she only walks. we didn't get too far before i decided to turn around and bring her back home so i could go out on a 'real' run, not walk a couple feet and then stop to smell everything, and walk a couple more feet and smell something.... so, that's something i've learned from this whole experience!! but she's a nice dog, so that's good!! so...that's my maggie story for right now!!


Coop said...

Maggie isn't behaving! Oh no! Call 911!

Coop said...

Rottweilers are mean... they are known to maul people. If you want a big dog, get a St. Bernard!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coop said...


Coop said...

Oh, and I have a question... how do you make those blends, like on your "Ryan Miller" and "Matt Reis" posts? Do you have a special program or what?

Jaina *JJ* said...

rotweilers are known to maul people. haha, well, this is what its like living with a dog...HORRIBLE, anyone want a free dog? haha. german shephards are gorgeous! you should get one of those! :D ps. i like the new colorsss!!!

Anonymous said...

Lab. Get a lab. Loyal. loving. faithful. sweet. energetic. run. swim. smile. But I'm not bias or anything.

John said...

German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent and all around dogs, get one of them. :)

John said...

Or you could get one of those Chimpanzee's :D

John said...

oops I mean an Orangutan*

Tori said...

gods are so much fun!! :) eric, to answer your question about the blends, we have a program called photoshop elements 4.0 it's a lot of fun!! it's not only a photo editing program, it does a lot of other things, too.