Friday, May 11, 2007


just some random pictures i have taken. some a while ago, some a couple days ago. i just cleared my memory card, i had pictures from february...that's what happens when you have a whole gb of memory!! lol!

random flower pictures...unfortunately we only have 4 tulips growing in our yard this year...
sledding from a while ago...isn't my friend pretty?!
from when we went out to eat at a chinese restaurant a while ago...i live with super models...
i'm going to post more later...


Coop said...

wow... ur brotha and sisters are very funny-looking is those ginormous spectacles........

John said...

Nice! those pics with the sunglasses are the best.

jb said...

And, yes, your friend is very pretty! : )

Tori said...

lol!! yea, they're nuts!! i know, isn't she?!

Erika said...

The flower pictures are sooooo totally awesome!!!!

Tori said...

thanks erika!!

Anonymous said...

ginormous spectacles... i like it! see, i would never do that in public.
except, that kinda' was...