Saturday, March 31, 2007
ashlee and i got a 'new' stereo!! it's old, but for us it's new! it doesn't have a cd player, but my dad got us a cord so ashlee could hook up her mp3 player to the stereo, and i could hook up my ipod to it. dad put a stereos behind each of our beds (on opposite sides of the room). it's really cool, cause we now have surround sound!! it rocks! so, a couple days ago i took a bunch of pictures of it. it's pretty big, and it has slides for recording. it's fun to play with the slides, and then photograph them. here are some pix (slides and some random ones).

Friday, March 30, 2007
MIA HAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M REALLY EXCITED, SO BEAR WITH ME!!!!!! MIA HAMM AND NOMAR GARCIAPARRA HAD TWIN GIRLS TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that exciting??!! I think it's so cool!! Here's the article on MSN about it. Here's another article about it on Sport Illustrated. That's really exciting!! I wonder if either of the girls will play a sport...
swirly drawings
o.k., so right now, i'm on this swirly drawings kick!! i like to draw swirly drawings. if you know me well, you'll know that i'm not the pencil and paper kind of artist in my family (that's naomi), but for some reason, i started drawing these things in sunday school a couple weeks ago, and i've kept drawing them!! i think they're pretty cool!! lol! (they're in order of when i drew them, 1st-last)
i made the 1st one in suday school a couple weeks ago, the 2nd one i started in sunday school and finished at home, and the last one is in my math notebook which i did yesterday!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
yesterday, my family (except my Dad) and i rode our bikes to the cemetery near our house. it was a lot of fun. i took quite a lot of pictures, and maybe i'll be able to post some. i think a couple came out pretty good! it was a lovely day, and just amazing!! i currently have 472 pictures on my camera, with 275 left to take!! i love my 1 gb memory card!! merci mom and dad!! anyways, it was a great ride, although we found out that there are no bikes allowed in the cemetary...ooppss...but anyways, it was a lot of fun!!
barlow girl's new cd
Just for anyone who wanted to know, the band Barlow Girl is coming out with a new CD July 24 2007!! yeay!! I can't wait!! They finnished recording a couple weeks ago, and are finnishing up the album!! here's a counter to count down to the album release!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Indoor Session 2, Game #6
o.k., well, last saturday, we had an indoor game!! we lost. it was 5-2. bob and miranda got the goals!! yeay!! it was a pretty good game, almost all their goals were pretty cheap, 'lucky' goals. kind of sad, actually. i think we might have won if our whole team had been there. we only had 2 subs. :( oh well, i hope we'll do better next game!! the next game is our last regular indoor game. :( i like playing indoor, it's a lot of fun!! after this week, we have a tournament, and on the same day as the tournament, we have our first outdoor game!! i'm pretty sure it's the same day, not positive, though. soccer, soccer, and more soccer!! i love it!! :D
scavenger hunt
yesterday, we had a scavenger hunt in my city with some of our friends from 'school' (;]) it was so much fun!! my team (me, mrs. b, eric, rachel l., and bethany) came in 1st with 25 points!! go us!! yeay!! we had a lot of fun, and we should totally do it again!! my mom did an awesome job putting all the questions together! we had a bunch of funny things happen, people laughing at us, getting abducted by a 6 ft 8 in strongman and being brought to CT to harvest radishes and do his gardening (courtesy of eric), finding a silhouette (without anything on it to say who it was) (we should go back and put a sticky note on it with the name of the person), freaking out people who eat in subway, finding a 'milky way' weather vane, walking around in the rain, breaking into a museum, and finding out that a stone lion was 'closed for the winter.' quite eventful and fun!! i thought it was awesome!! go my team!! i took a couple pictures, and i might be able to put them on here sometime...maybe...
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Indoor Session 2, Game #5
o.k., well i'm really late!! last saturday, we had a game, and we lost 4-1! but at least we got a goal!! which is better than last fall, because we only got 3 goals the whole season! :( pretty sad, i know. but anyways, i think lindsey got the goal! yeay go lindsay!! hannah got a goal on ashlee!! welcome to the 'getting goals on ashlee peoples' club!! we have 3 members, me, hannah and miranda. we rock!! lol!! so anyways, we have a game tonight, and i'll try to post it in a more timely manner. lol! :) i like soccer!!
Friday, March 23, 2007
random news
Erika got a blog!! YEAY!! Welcome to blogger!
Jaina got back from her D.C. trip. She said she had fun, which is awesome!! She wrote about it on her blog!
My (well, it's my whole family's) keyboard is running out of battery. :( So when I'm in the middle of a song, it suddenly shuts off. It takes 6 D batteries, which we don't have, so I'm sad. :(
My Mom's pampered chief pan/dish thingie broke. :( She was not happy.
I get to see my friends tonight!! And Sophie and Meghan are coming over!! I haven't seen them for a while! That's pretty sad!!
My Auntie's having a baby this month!! Please pray for her!! Merci!!
I love molasses cookies!! They're really yummy!! Chocolate is yummy, too!! :)
Ashlee's favorite show in the whole world is "Green Acres". (See post below)
My cold is going away!! I just have a really stuffy nose and a little cough now!!
I got to talk (or Skype) my uncle and cousin who live in Africa. It was a lot of fun!!
I got a new case for my iPod. It's from Singapore, it's plastic, it's clear, and it's held together with screws!
The Halls are coming back today!!
Reuben made me a pretty bracelet today!! It's red, black and gray. He's just learning to braid, so I asked him to make it for me!!
That's all for now, I think...
Jaina got back from her D.C. trip. She said she had fun, which is awesome!! She wrote about it on her blog!
My (well, it's my whole family's) keyboard is running out of battery. :( So when I'm in the middle of a song, it suddenly shuts off. It takes 6 D batteries, which we don't have, so I'm sad. :(
My Mom's pampered chief pan/dish thingie broke. :( She was not happy.
I get to see my friends tonight!! And Sophie and Meghan are coming over!! I haven't seen them for a while! That's pretty sad!!
My Auntie's having a baby this month!! Please pray for her!! Merci!!
I love molasses cookies!! They're really yummy!! Chocolate is yummy, too!! :)
Ashlee's favorite show in the whole world is "Green Acres". (See post below)
My cold is going away!! I just have a really stuffy nose and a little cough now!!
I got to talk (or Skype) my uncle and cousin who live in Africa. It was a lot of fun!!
I got a new case for my iPod. It's from Singapore, it's plastic, it's clear, and it's held together with screws!
The Halls are coming back today!!
Reuben made me a pretty bracelet today!! It's red, black and gray. He's just learning to braid, so I asked him to make it for me!!
That's all for now, I think...
green acres
my crazy sister, ashlee, really likes the old tv show "green acres." it's her favorite show "in the whole world!" (quote ashlee) it's kind of funny. lol!! 'the chores!' 'the stores!' lisa is so funny! i love her accent! and how she says, "olivvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeerr!!' lol! anyways, yea...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Mia Hamm and Julie Foudy
Mia Hamm and Julie Foudy were elected into the National Soccer Hall of Fame!! Pretty sweet, huh?! Here's the story on the NSHF website. I'm trying to convince my parents that we should go to the ceremony thing for a field trip/vacation this summer. Some of my Dad's family live 4 hours away from the Hall, so my plan is to go through there, pick up some of my cousins, go to the Hall, then bring them back after, and stay a few days to visit!! Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it?? Now, I just have to get my parents to agree... :) In the mean time, here's a video that was on youtube about Mia and Julie being elected. Mia and Julie totally ROCK!! They are awesome players, as you'll see in the movie!
i'm still a little sick, doing better, though. my head is a lot better, but my throat is scratchy, and my nose it stuffy and runny at the same time. i sound like a frog when i talk, my voice is all croaky. :P it's kind of funny, though. o.k., maybe not really, whatever... i hope i'll get better by saturday, 'cause i want to play soccer!! i'm pretty sure i'll be better by tomorrow, today it's (my cold) going away a little...if everyone could keep praying, though, that would be awesome!! merci!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i don't like colds...
i have a little cold...i sound really weird when i talk, and my throat is stinks!...if y'all could pray that i'd get better soon, that would be rockin'!! thanks!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
1. compensation for a wrong
2. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing
3. satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends.
1. compensation for a wrong
2. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing
3. satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends.
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." {-1 John 4:10}
"He [Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world." {-1 John 2:2}
"He [Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world." {-1 John 2:2}
Isn't that amazing??
Friday, March 16, 2007
crazy new england weather
the weather here in new england is absolutely insane!! wednsday it was 72 degrees, and today we have a snow storm and it's 20 degrees. absolutely insane. as my dad says, 'if you don't like the weather here in new england, wait 10 minutes, and it'll change.' that's really true, believe it or not!
True Love Waits
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
We Pray
This is such a beautiful song!! Barlow Girl and a bunch of other Christian artists recorded it for the 2007 National Day of Prayer (May 3rd). Barlow Girl is the National Day of Prayer Youth Ambassadors for 2007. I just thought I'd post it, because the lyrics are so powerful, and when we pray, God hears us, and does miracles!! He is just an utterly amazing God, and hears us, no matter where we are, or what we've done, even when we don't think He's there, He still has His hand on us. Praise God! Here's the page for Barlow Girl on the National Day of Prayer website, and here's the song. They did a beautiful job with it [the song].
We Pray
Words & Music by: Clint Lagerberg and Otto Price
We Pray
Words & Music by: Clint Lagerberg and Otto Price
For the tired and the weary
Lost and confused
Hopeless and needy
With nothing to lose
For those who are falling
Or have already fallen away
Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)
We pray
Humbly we seek Your face
Broken yet unafraid
We leave it all in Your hands
We trust that You'll heal our lands
And know that You'll hear us when
We pray
Peace and forgiveness
For the nations at war
Strength in their weakness
When they can fight no more
Mercy, redemption, healing
And for You to be Lord of all
Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)
Father in Heaven
The Giver of life
Your Kingdom forever be glorified
We pray you will unite us
And heal our divide
We bow down before You
Oh Lord hear our cry (as)
Hopeless and needy
With nothing to lose
For those who are falling
Or have already fallen away
Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)
We pray
Humbly we seek Your face
Broken yet unafraid
We leave it all in Your hands
We trust that You'll heal our lands
And know that You'll hear us when
We pray
Peace and forgiveness
For the nations at war
Strength in their weakness
When they can fight no more
Mercy, redemption, healing
And for You to be Lord of all
Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)
Father in Heaven
The Giver of life
Your Kingdom forever be glorified
We pray you will unite us
And heal our divide
We bow down before You
Oh Lord hear our cry (as)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
WOOHOO!! I got my iPod last Friday!!! YEA!!!! I like it a lot. I got the 2GB iPod nano. It holds about 500 songs, and I have 179 on it at the moment!!! I named it Celia (you all probably think i'm nuts!! lol!). Naomi thought of the name. So, i really like it!! yup...
Indoor Session 2, Game #4
O.K., well we played our game last Saturday at 9pm. So much fun playing that late!! :P jk! lol!! We played against a team who had never won, either, so we were pretty evenly matched. Well in points that is. We were a lot better than them. We only had 8 people there, and if we had had everyone else, we would have crushed them!! We tied 2-2, though so that we better than losing!! Bob and Molly got the goals!! YEAH!!!!!! GO BOB AND MOLLY!! I got one of the goals against us!! :/ ooppss!! so now I have scored 3 goals, 2 for and 1 against!! :P Soooo, soccer is fun, and everyone should play it!! lol!! Go team!
so, at my birthday party two weeks ago, we (erika, sophie, me, ashlee, and naomi) played this crazy story game! it was a lot of fun!! we did two stories, and i'm going to put both on here. i don't think i'd be able to make up suitable titles, so we'll just have to live with 'story 1' and 'story 2'.
Story 1
Written by Sophie, Erika, Ashlee, Naomi, & Tori
Once upon a time there was a very unfortunate little girl. She lived with her older brother in a house covered in vines, with a few chickens. One day her brother went to the store and never came back. She wondered where he went and went to go find him.
As she walked into the store, a big dog ran up to her and started jumping and licking her. And also a bunny, and small virousious bunny. The bunny walked up to the girl and asked for a kit-kat bar. The girl said "no, but you can have a mounds bar!"
The bunny didn't like that at all, and attacked the girl's foot! The girl started screaming. She stomped on the bunny, & now he's dead. The girl ran away to Meghan's house, & joined up against all cute bunnies. The bunny's great, great, great granddaughter attacked the girl & Meghan.
Then the bunny's great, great, great granddaughter bared her fangs because she was a saber-tooth cat. She got ready to attack her prey, the bunny's best friend who is a horse. The horse's name was Sting. He was getting ready to block the soccer ball so the Americans wouldn't get a goal. They we getting closer and so was the saber tooth cat.
She got read to pounce and Sting got in ready position. Lilac (a.k.a. "She") readied her harpoon. Sting readied his scary scorpion tail thing. As the crazed whale charged, a rabid rabbit-squirl jumped out of the bathroom and ate Lilac, Sting and the crazed whale. Very sad. The end.
Story 2
Written by Sophie, Erika, Ashlee, Naomi & Tori
One day 2 girls were taking their pictures. All of a sudden, Stellar Kart showed up with laser guns & asked the girls to play laser tag with them. One of the girls said, "NO! We will NEVER join you Natzis!". Then Adam Agee screamed, "In God we trust!".
The girls ran as fast as they could to get away from Stellar Kart & their laser guns. Then the girl, Sarah, started screaming "Please just give us a concert!" So they put down their lazer guns and pulled out blow-up microphones, guitars and drums and started singing "Me and Jesus." All the girls started screaming and singing! Then they put down their stuff and ran away.
The girls were very sad but they tried to play the instruments they dropped and it sounded horrible! The prince they were playing for loved it. This is because the girls looked so pretty, he couldn't hear the actual sound coming from the instruments. They were playing for him because he was trying to pick a wife.
The King and Queen thought listening to many girls play music was the most logical method. But everyone else in the world knew that listening to many girls play music was a great, important thing to do. Especially the famous baseball player Bob Blueboy. Bob Blueboy wanted music at his wedding.
But sadly Bob Blueboy was deaf, and could not have music at his wedding. He was extremely sad and considered committing suicide, but he went on youtube and saw the Barlow Girl music video for Never Alone, and he realized that God will never forsake him, even if Bob didn't have music at his wedding. His wife was very happy and they lived happily ever after. (They moved to Jamaica in their 15th year of marriage and had 15 kids named after states.)
Written by Sophie, Erika, Ashlee, Naomi, & Tori
Once upon a time there was a very unfortunate little girl. She lived with her older brother in a house covered in vines, with a few chickens. One day her brother went to the store and never came back. She wondered where he went and went to go find him.
As she walked into the store, a big dog ran up to her and started jumping and licking her. And also a bunny, and small virousious bunny. The bunny walked up to the girl and asked for a kit-kat bar. The girl said "no, but you can have a mounds bar!"
The bunny didn't like that at all, and attacked the girl's foot! The girl started screaming. She stomped on the bunny, & now he's dead. The girl ran away to Meghan's house, & joined up against all cute bunnies. The bunny's great, great, great granddaughter attacked the girl & Meghan.
Then the bunny's great, great, great granddaughter bared her fangs because she was a saber-tooth cat. She got ready to attack her prey, the bunny's best friend who is a horse. The horse's name was Sting. He was getting ready to block the soccer ball so the Americans wouldn't get a goal. They we getting closer and so was the saber tooth cat.
She got read to pounce and Sting got in ready position. Lilac (a.k.a. "She") readied her harpoon. Sting readied his scary scorpion tail thing. As the crazed whale charged, a rabid rabbit-squirl jumped out of the bathroom and ate Lilac, Sting and the crazed whale. Very sad. The end.
Story 2
Written by Sophie, Erika, Ashlee, Naomi & Tori
One day 2 girls were taking their pictures. All of a sudden, Stellar Kart showed up with laser guns & asked the girls to play laser tag with them. One of the girls said, "NO! We will NEVER join you Natzis!". Then Adam Agee screamed, "In God we trust!".
The girls ran as fast as they could to get away from Stellar Kart & their laser guns. Then the girl, Sarah, started screaming "Please just give us a concert!" So they put down their lazer guns and pulled out blow-up microphones, guitars and drums and started singing "Me and Jesus." All the girls started screaming and singing! Then they put down their stuff and ran away.
The girls were very sad but they tried to play the instruments they dropped and it sounded horrible! The prince they were playing for loved it. This is because the girls looked so pretty, he couldn't hear the actual sound coming from the instruments. They were playing for him because he was trying to pick a wife.
The King and Queen thought listening to many girls play music was the most logical method. But everyone else in the world knew that listening to many girls play music was a great, important thing to do. Especially the famous baseball player Bob Blueboy. Bob Blueboy wanted music at his wedding.
But sadly Bob Blueboy was deaf, and could not have music at his wedding. He was extremely sad and considered committing suicide, but he went on youtube and saw the Barlow Girl music video for Never Alone, and he realized that God will never forsake him, even if Bob didn't have music at his wedding. His wife was very happy and they lived happily ever after. (They moved to Jamaica in their 15th year of marriage and had 15 kids named after states.)
Hope you liked our lovely stories!! :D
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
i saw this cute icon, i thought it was cool!!-
:D is pluto not a planet?? that's crazy if it isn't!! (not that i know anything about planets!!) i don't really care if people say it's not a planet, to me, it still is!! lol!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
cold degrees...wind chill -10...wind speed 28 mph...very, very, verrrrry cccccold....shoot i have to go deliver in this weather's cold here.....have fun all of you in the south, think of us while your swimming......pray for us too.....that we'd survive.....this crazy new england weather..........brrrrr....................
last sunday, ashlee, kaeleigh, emily and i did a special music for our church!! they sang while i played the piano. we did the song 'never alone' by barlow girl (btw i love that song!! lol!). i was really nervous!! lol! my hands were shaking and sweaty, all that jazz. i asked God to basically guide my hands, and help all of us not be nervous or anything, because we were doing it all for Him, and if we messed up, then it wasn't that big of a deal, because we weren't doing it for everyone watching anyways!! so, it all went great, it was totally God!! i think it sounded good (everyone told us it did!). so, thank you God for guiding my hands, and the other girl's voices! hopefully it was pleasing to Him!! (Kevin put it on his blog, you can listen to the mp3 file here!)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Indoor Session 2, Game #3
well, this game didn't come out too good...we lost 6-0. ooopppsss...yea, i'm really sorry, i didn't get a goal...whopsie! :/ so, that's what's going on. i also fell, and the turf we played on is really hard, like a thin rug over cement, not fun to fall on, anyways, i fell on it, and now my knee is really pretty with a couple rug burns that are also skinned knees (that probably doesn't make any sense, but whatever!)!! yup, next week we'll do better!! go team!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
happy 1st day of march!
happy 1st day of march everybody!! i didn't really have anything else to say, and you've gotta make each day special, so happy 1st day of march!! lol!! :D
Orphans of God
Orphans of God
Written by Twila LeBar and Joel Lindsay
Who here among us has not been broken?
Who here among us is without guilt or pain?
So oft' abandoned by our transgressions
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
There are no strangers
There are no outcasts
There are no orphans of God
So many fallen, but hallelujah
There are no orphans of God
Come ye unwanted and find affection
Come all ye weary, come and lay down your head
Come ye unworthy, you are my brother
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
O blessed Father, look down upon us
We are Your children, we need Your love
We run before Your throne of mercy
And seek your face to rise above
(c) 2006 Bridge Building
Written by Twila LeBar and Joel Lindsay
Who here among us has not been broken?
Who here among us is without guilt or pain?
So oft' abandoned by our transgressions
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
There are no strangers
There are no outcasts
There are no orphans of God
So many fallen, but hallelujah
There are no orphans of God
Come ye unwanted and find affection
Come all ye weary, come and lay down your head
Come ye unworthy, you are my brother
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
O blessed Father, look down upon us
We are Your children, we need Your love
We run before Your throne of mercy
And seek your face to rise above
(c) 2006 Bridge Building
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