Monday, December 12, 2005

Snow Storm

Last Friday, we had a very bad snow storm. The snow piled up to about 15 in!!!!! Ariel was VERY excited, the day before she asked Ngiap if she could "go to the snow storm?"!!! Ngiap told her to wait and the snow storm would come to her. I think that she enjoyed going outside during the storm. The snow was so high that Awana was canceled!!!
On a different subject...
Last night Ashlee, Naomi, and I had our piano recital. We take piano lessons at Music Works, I think that it's really fun, and our teacher, Miss. Kathy, is AWESOME!!!!!! Ashlee, Naomi and I played an ensomble of "Carol of the Bells", and Ashlee played "The Twelve Days of Christmas". Anyways...the recital started at 4:30 p.m. and didn't end untill 6:00 p.m.. That wasn't to great, because we had our Youth Group Christmas party to go to that started at 5:00 p.m. and we knew that we were going to be late, but we got to the party around 6:20 p.m. so we only had about 40 minutes there, but after, we got to go out for pizza, so I guess it's o.k. (there was only about 10 people there, but about 20 people said that they would go :( ).

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