Before (My hair)

After (My hair)

It was kind of weird!!! I got 11in. taken off, Erika got 10in. taken off, and Katelyn got 12 1/2 in. taken off!!
When I first had the idea of cutting off my hair, I was in 1st grade. The reason I wanted to cut my hair was to donate the cut hair to Locks of Love, which is a organization which takes donated human hair and makes the hair into wigs for children who have cancer (a wig normally costs around $3000, but Locks of Love gives the wigs to people for free!!). I have been growing my hair out for 7 years!!!! Now I'm going to grow out my hair again, and when it gets long enough, cut it again and donate more hair to Locks of Love!!!!!!!! I have been putting off cutting my hair for a while, but I finally got the guts to do it!!!!!
Here are some more pics.
The hair person cutting my hair off!!!
Katelyn, me, and Erika holding our cut off hair!!
Finally, it was a good experience. I think it also feels good to know that you have helped someone!!!!
P.S. Now you might actually be able to see my number on my soccer uniform!!!!
Tori I think that it is so awesome that you finally got your hair cut off. That's so cool congratulations!
AWESOME Bethany!!!! Lu Ya!!
O.K. Bethany!!! That's AWESOME that you got your own site!!!!
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