Thursday, April 17, 2008


aaarrrrrgggghhhhh.....i have to write a blank verse for lit....for one thing, poetry is nice, but i can't write poetry. period. that's ashlee's department....soo, we have to write 10 lines, with no end rhyme, and every line has to be 10 syllables, and every other syllable is unstressed and the others are stressed (it goes stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc.) (it's official name is iambic pentameter)...sooo, at the moment, i have 9 lines that are sorta kinda iambic pentameter and sorta go together, and i only need one more!! so i should probably go write that....yea...

i just found this cool avviee...


Brianna said...

I hate "templates" for poetry. Absolutely detest them. Wanna know why?

Poetry is one of the few ways of getting your spirit on paper. It shouldn't be regulated or dictated by some teacher or guideline. Poems are what you want them to be; what you think, feel, love, and desire.

Shame on those teachers.
I say no more rules for poetry.

Jaina *JJ* said...

yo, bri, i totALLY 100% agree.
but the only thing is, i like learnign the different ways to write know, the different types. so i have more options of ways to record my feelings...
but i dont think teachers should expects us to just randomly write a poem. or a GOOD poem. because, its not a spur of the moment thing...its something from your soul.

Anonymous said...

this is really random, but i love Aeropostale, Hollister, and Abercrombie!! well, maybe not Abercrombie... but also American Eagle Ourfitters the BEST!!