Saturday, March 01, 2008

happy march 1st!!

happy march 1st everyone! :) hope y'all had an awesome february (with the extra day!), and have a great march!
at the moment, it's snowing here, so it doesn't feel too much like march, and yesterday the temperature was something 7 degrees F, anyways, it was cold, but we still hold onto the hope that warm weather will come in the next 2 months ( never know with our insane NE weather!).
i also want to ask for prayer for ashlee today. she's taking the headmaster exam, just like i did, and she's probably really nervous (i know i was!). so if you could just pray that she's not nervous, has clear thinking and that God would guide her and my parents as they're looking for options for school next year (*tear*she's growing up:(*tear*), and that they'll know for certain exactly where God wants her to be! thanks so much! :)

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