Friday, February 22, 2008

you're so kidding o_o

this is insane, i don't have school today!! o_o the reason why this is so insane is that we've only had 1 snow day this school year, so it's rather surprising that we wouldn't have school day. soooo, i now have a whole day ahead of me, and no vocab quiz!! yeay! :) i don't know what i'm going to do with myself! sooooo, you know what would be really funny? if it didn't even snow. ha. that would be crazy. but my mom assures me it will snow, so, we'll see! it hasn't started snowing here yet....
today's the famine (hopefully!)!!! yeay! i can't wait, and hopefully we'll still have it even with the snow...i hope so...
anyways, that's my random story for today, hope y'all have a wonderful day! :)


naomi dutt said...

it's snowing right now...:D

Jaina *JJ* said...

ugh! SNOW!
the only good thing about the snow was NOOOO SCHOOL :D
upload famine pics plllleeease annnd check your eamiL!

naomi dutt said...

HAPPY BIRD-DAY ELK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!