Friday, February 08, 2008

prayer and meghan's fanfic

sooo...i would just like to ask for prayer for me. i'm coming down with something, and mom thinks it might be the flu, but i really hope not. throughout school today, i had a big headache, sensitive skin (everything felt really rough), i was freezing and shaking, but my head felt like it was burning up from the inside out, my stomach felt funny, and my leg muscles ached and were sore. i had a fever, too!! in physics, i asked lauren if my face was red, and she said no, but when she felt my head, she said it was burning up. i'm feeling better now, but i think just because i'm on drugs (you all know what i mean...) so, if you could pray i get better soon, and it won't be the flu! :/ i'm so glad it's friday, so i can just sleep all tonight and tomorrow!! (and if i was acting a little weird at school today, that's why).
also, y'all need to go check out meghan's fanfic! it rocks!! meghan's a really talented writer!


Emily said...

I hope that you feel a lot better. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Awww, thank you Tori! I'll B praying for you, well, more than I already did after I found out U were sick last night =)
P.S. I'm glad you aren't dead ;)

Jaina *JJ* said...

feel better! im sick too. i wont see you monday... ohh and...haha you spelled flu wrong.

Tori said...

thanks everyone! :) yea, i won't see you monday (today!) either!! i'm staying home to make sure my sickness is totally gone before i go back to school. and making sure i won't give this lovely gift to everyone else at school! :) whoopsie! i thought it looked strange...thanks! :)

Emma said...

Hey Tori! I've got a blog! My URL is
Put some comments on!

Emma said...

oh this is emmaline