Friday, July 13, 2007

vbs--day 4 (God is Awesome!)

picture for day #4! the problem bubbles (dum dum duuuuuum)
today's Bible story was when Jesus died and rose from the dead! so, of course, we had to play a game with something that rose into the air. so, we played with balloons and bubbles!! it was an o.k. day, nothing spectacular happened, except that when i got to the church brianna told me jaina wasn't going to be there. :P so i had to do games by myself. it wasn't too bad, i guess... but dumb me, i totally forgot to take the seals off the bubbles, so there i was sitting on the picnic table, trying to get 24 containers of bubbles open and read for use in 10 minutes at max. i got past the clear seal that keeps the cover on, but when i got to the silver seal that's over the actual top of the container, i ran into a little bit of trouble. you'd think it would just peal off, right?! wrong!! they were so annoying!! it was like they were stuck to the container with super glue!! they would not just simply peel off, like they're supposed to (like anything could be made simple for me...i have a tendency to complicate things...). so, what i finally ended up doing (i think i had 2 or 3 done by the time the first group of kids came. :P) was i used my mom's scissors and cut off the seals, and when the kids came, i sent their crew leader and ryan to work cutting off all the other seals while we played with balloons. (thanks so much mr. b and ryan!!) (oh and btw, before all this, mr. scott and mr. dan helped me blow up 15 balloons, because i can not blow up balloons. ...but then i figured out that i can... thanks for all your help, though!!) so, we played "try to keep the balloons up in the air" with all the crews and only had time to play with the bubbles with the first and last crews!! i was pretty tired after last! and tonight's the last night!! i'm happy and sad about that...

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