Friday, June 15, 2007

constitutional convention

yesterday, we went into Boston. and we went to the state house. and, if you can't guess from the title, we went for the constitutional convention!! the senators and representatives were voting today on whether or not the people are going to be able to vote next year on the definition of marriage. so, we went there as kind of a field trip, and to see history (who wants to be telling their grandchildren about it, and then say, oh, i wasn't actually there, because i decided to stay home instead of going with my family?!). so, we went to the state house. when we got there, we stood outside with the demonstrators (the "let the people vote on marriage" ones, not the "equality" ones). then we got in a long line to go inside the state house, and we stood in that for a while. when we finally got inside we walked around for a while (btw, the state house is really cool on the inside!!). then we got in another looooooong line to go inside the actual room where the house of representatives were meeting. we never got inside, though. we were still waiting in line when people started coming out of the room and a lot of other people started screaming and clapping. i looked around to see if i should be clapping, too, but everyone with the "equality" stickers on where clapping, so i kinda figured out what had happened. we had lost 45-151 votes. we only needed 5 more votes to get the definition of marriage on the ballot next year. mom talked to someone and he said that we had lost 10 votes in the past 24 hours before the meeting. after everyone sort of quieted down, there was a press conference, and we got to see Governor Deval Patrick. he talked for a while, and we left once he was done. at one point he said something like "now we can let the healing start." and i was thinking, "ha. that's really funny. ever heard of Rome??! like, how they fell apart and were taken over when they let people be gay??!! you've got to be kidding me!!" so, yea, this goes to say that people can be really messed up and not know their history. but, we just have to remember that God is still in control, even if we can't see how, and He's still supreme and over everything. my mom reminded us of that yesterday, and she also reminded us that all those people are going to go before God and give an account for everything they did. i don't think they'll be too happy to tell Him about voting for gay marriage! so, that's what we did yesterday. it was all crazy, but it was a great thing to see. remember-
"But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations." (Psalms 33:11); "The LORD gives strength to His people; the LORD blesses His people with peace." (Psalms 29:11) and "The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?...Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident...For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock." (Psalms 27:1, 3,


Anonymous said...

Amen! Preach it sista!

John said...

Thats cool!

The fact that people can continue living their perverted lives is bugging me. Soon all the states will allow such garbage... Ughh it bugs me ._.