last weekend, my travel soccer team had the privilege of competing in the middlesex league commissioner's cup!! it was a lot of fun!! we're in division 4b, so we competed against teams in division 4. the top 2 teams in division 4a and 4b played against each other for 1st place in division 4!! so, it was us and the other team (let's just call them "W") from division 4b, and two other teams (let's call them "R" and "B") from division 4a that we played against over the weekend. we played 2 games on saturday and 1 game on sunday. on saturday morning at 8
am (notice the 'am' part) we played against W. this game would decide who was the division 4b champs (if you remember, we played against them
in the rain, and we tied with them the
first time we played against them. they had the same record as us. not for long!! mwa ha ha ha!! lol!). so, anyways, we played against them at 8 in the morning, and we had 3 subs. the field that was hosting the cup for our age was turf, so that was pretty cool!! (although in all the other games, it wasn't so good, because it was really hot, and the turf made it a lot hotter, and our feet felt like they were baking in our cleats!!) i don't exactly remember too much about that game. they got a goal first, which got us kind of discouraged. but then, ashlee got a goal!! WOOP!! GO ASHLEE!! and that really encouraged us and motivated us!! it was a really evenly matched game!! then jamy got a goal!! WOOP!! GO JAMY!! (jamy is such a great player!! she's really dedicated!! she was supposed to go to a basket ball tournament, but she stayed and played the 1 pm game and the game on sunday!! she is amazing!) so, that got us really pumped!! (all of this happened in the first half). then in the second half, nothing much happened. we held them off the whole 2nd half, so, when the game ended, we had finally beaten W!! and we were the division 4b CHAMPS!!!!!!!! WOOP!!! :D we were all really, really, really excited after this game!! :) our next game was at 1 pm, so we hung out at the field in between and watched some of the other games. we played against R in our game at 1 (sophie, meghan and mrs. b came to this game!! thanks so much for coming you guys!! it was awesome to have you there!! you all rock!! thanks!). they were in first place in division 4a, so we knew that it would be a pretty hard game. it was, and the heat and already having played a tough game made it difficult!!! we hung in, and we tied 0-0 with them!! i was so proud of our whole team!! i think that if we had been fresh, we might have been able to beat them, but that's o.k., at least we didn't loose!! the first half wasn't too great, but we pulled together and played quite a lot better the second half and played it mostly in their half (of the field). then, we got to go home and crash into bed (even though that's not what we did. we went to the torres' for elias' b-day/graduation/father's day party, but left around 7. mom and dad went to our neighbor's wedding and didn't get back 'till late, so we kinda went to bed a little later than we would have liked to!! then we got up at 7 the next morning to do our papers and went to church. our weekend started at 6am saturday morning and ended at around 9pm sunday night). so, after all that, we had another game (sunday afternoon) at 3pm against B. they hadn't won a game yet, and we weren't about to let them break their loosing streak on us!! this game was by far the most emotional and crazy one!! so, we played at 3, and we only had 2 subs, and it was hot and windy. although, it was cloudy, too, so the heat wasn't as bad as the second game! anyways, this game was insane. we definitely didn't play our best, but we were tied 0-0 at half. the ref had already told us at the beginning that if we were tied at the end, we would go into penalty kicks (a.k.a. PKs). we were all determined to have it
not end in a tie. we were really pumped!! but, they got the first goal. i think it was totally my fault, but ashlee disagrees. well, what happened was, a girl on the other team dribbled it up the field, and ashlee came out of the goal (she was keeper) to stop her a get the ball (btw, that was a great move by ashlee!), and the girl kicked the ball at her, and it bounced over ashlee and into the goal. miranda tried heroically to try to save it, but of no use!! it was my fault, because, as soon as i saw ashlee go out, i should have gone behind her to cover the goal instead of just watching like a fool!! well, we learn from our mistakes, hopefully it'll make me better!! so, after that we were really mad and all that, so we really were playing our hardest now. about 2 minutes after they got the goal, katelyn got a goal for us!! that was really, really awesome!! (katelyn is another awesome player!!) we held them off for the rest of the game, and *dum dum duuuum* had to go into PKs. O_O kelsey took ashlee's place in goal, because kelsey had done PKs before and knew what to do. so, katelyn, me, miranda, becky and jamy took the kicks (in that order). we got to kick first. katelyn's kick was high, and it went right over the goalie's hands into the goal!! we were all really excited!! the other girl's kick went in, too. then it was my turn. my kick went just over the goal. :( that wasn't too good. the other girl's kick went to the same place mine did!! (and the funny thing was that she played the same position as me!!) then miranda had her kick. she kicked it on the ground to the left side of the goal. and, it went in!!!!!!! go miranda!! the next girl's kick went in, too. then becky's kick went over the net. she was really upset, and was crying and everything. the next girl's kick went in. (now it was 2-3, us loosing) jamy's kick went over the goal, too, so we were all done. jamy was crying and everything, too. we all did an awesome job!! i don't know why they were crying!! it was all of our first times doing PKs, so i think we did awesome!! kelsey rocks, and she gave jamy this whole speech about how it wasn't that big of a deal, and how she did sooo awesomely in the game, and that's what counted. kelsey is awesome!! and, after that, the other coach came over to her and told her that she was freaking his players out, because she was bouncing back and forth along the end line!! she is amazing!!! :) so, after that we were kinda freaked out because we didn't know what was going to happen next, if we were going to get a trophy or what (1st and 2nd place got a trophy). so, we finally found out that we had gotten 2nd place!!!!!!! W had gotten 1st, because they had beaten R in their sunday game. so, W came in 1st with 6 points (points are 3 for a win, 1 for a tie and 0 for a loss), us in 2nd with 5 points (they counted the B game as a tie for some weird reason!! we really didn't need to do PKs!! but the experience i think was worth it! we had 1 win, and 2 ties), R in 3rd with 4 points, and B in 4th with 1 point!! GO G-U14 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so awesome!!!!!! i'm so proud of my team!! if you look at last season's record (1-6-1) and how badly we played, you wouldn't expect us to be 1st in our division this year!! it's great that we got into the cup this year, too, seeing that it's our very first year together!! so, i'm really proud of everyone on my team!! thank you so much for playing with me, i had a really awesome time!! everyone totally rocks, and are so much fun to play with!! (and, this was really surprising to me, two of the girl's parents came up to me after and told me i had been a really good role-model for their daughters!! i thought that was amazing!!) so, i guess all i have to say is, AWESOME JOB GIRLS!!!! i loved playing with you and will miss you all a LOT!! :)

oh, and another thing, i really want to say thanks to everyone who put up with me and played with me on defence. that would be mostly molly and shelby, but also miranda, liz, and katy. you all were awesome!! shelby and molly, you girls were (and are) the best!! i definately could not have done it with out you!! shelby has so much spirit and drive, she inspires me every time i play with her!! and molly had improved so much!! she also has great determination!! and everyone else on my team, you all are awesome!! i learned a lot from every one of you!! you all are great players, and you all rock!! :D
Woop! 2nd place in the Commissioner's Cup is great. You all played so hard. And you, Tori, are no fool. Congratulations to you and to Ashlee and all of your team.
yea, it was awesome!! :) thanks (for everything you said!)!! my team rocks!! :D
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