sooo, here are two movies i'll start with...
numero one-

sooo...i absolutely love this movie!! i'm not really sure why i like it though... i'll try and sum it up sort of! well, first of all, it's really, really, really funny!! before i'd seen it, my dad had kept telling my sisters and i that we had to see it, but we thought it was a "grown-up movie", mostly because of the title and cover art. but, we finally saw it, and it is most definitely not a "grown-up movie"!! it's not your average fairy tale!! it doesn't really have any life-changing scenes, but it's a great movie! the characters are very original, and fun to watch!! i would tell you about it, but it would ruin the story!! basically it's about this girl who finds her true love, and then is forced to marry the evil prince (that's sort of a very, very short summary, there's a lot more!). and there's a lot of adventure and excitement! it's very interesting!! soo, this movie is most definitely a "to watch"!! (oh, and the book is awesome, too, it's almost better than the movie, if that's possible!) and btw, it's most definitely not a chick flix!! it has blood and guts in it, and sword fighting and fights!! it's a pretty awesome movie!! you should go see it!! :)
numero two-

o.k., well, i don't really have very much to say about this one... it's just not a very interesting movie! :/ the storyline is lame and boring, there's not really anything really good about it!! it's about a chicken who thinks the sky is falling, and everyone makes fun of him, and they make a movie making fun of him because they don't believe him. then, he joins the baseball team to make his dad proud of him after the "sky is falling incident". and he makes a home run in the championship game and wins the game, this makes his dad proud of him, and he's really happy. the "piece of sky" is really a part of an aliens ship, and they come back to get the piece and accidentally leave their son behind. at the end, the come back and invade chicken little's town because they think he kidnapped their son. in the end, they resolve the issue and everything's better. and, like most movies, chicken ends up kissing his best friend (:P now how gross is that?!). some weird things- supposedly they're in high school!!? the names are kind of unoriginal; goosy loosy, foxy loxy, turkey lurkey?? and in gym class, the teacher divides the kids into "popular" and "non-popular" and addresses the kids according to their status (like for a "non-popular" kid, he calls them "non-popular") a couple more strange things about the movie, definitely not a movie i'd ever recommend to anyone!! so, this movie get a "NOT to watch"!
comments are welcome!! please tell me whether you agree or not with my "reviews", or if i got something wrong!! *the reviews are just my opinion!!*
Hi, Tori. I completely agree with you that The Princess Bride is a good movie to watch (and the book might even be better).
And I've never seen Chicken Little but it didn't really appeal to me, so I'll take your advice and SKIP IT!
Thank you!
I COMPLETELY agree with your reviews! I mean, "Turkey Lurkey"!?!?!? I *L*O*V*E* "The Princess Bride"!!!!!!!
Anyway, TOTALLY agree!
I acually didn't mind chicken little... I havn't seen the princess bride yet... seems like too much of 'Chick Flix'
yeah? well it definatly isnt a chick flix! there are soooo many fighting scenes and blood and gore and all that "manly" stuff! well not really manly, but oh well! great reveiws tori!
I love the idea of reviewing movies Tori. =) and I agree with you're reviews too. Especially
Chicken Little. ..uhh
haha I luv U Ashlee!!and I ttly agree with Your reviews Tori :)
Chicken Little is based on a little kids fairytale. That is how the book goes. I agree with the kissing thing though. It wasn't totally nescesary.
That is just my opinion though.
Never seen Chix Lil'.
The Princess Bride is my all-time fave tho. All time. Timeless. Priceless.
Oh, and no, it is definately not another chick flick. (Although CHICKen Little might be. hahah oh-so-corny). But I digress.
Guys who are the epitamy of anti-chick flicks even like it. and I've never ever heard a guy say "duh that was stupid" or anything to that affect.
Just by the way.
Hahah. wow that was longer than I intended. Signing off.
i totally agreee!! on th bus ride home from DC we watched the princess bride and i was like "yessssss!" and me and my sister ented chicken little because i thought it look cute, haha i was wrongggg 100% it was the dumbest movie everr. dont watch it, its 2 and something odd minutes of your life wasted, and you can never get that time back!
Prinsess bride is pretty cool.
(Dont ask me were i saw it)
where'd ya see it?!?!?!?
First Sophie Steals my word "Blah" now Tori steals my movie reviewing :( lol jk!!
sorry john!! :)
blood and gore in the princess bride?!!
you havent seen blood and gore until youve watched 30 Days of Night or Quarantine (rabid person bites someones face off) or anything,really, the GAMES i play are more gory than princess bride!
all you talk about is church and god...
do you even have a life???
i mean have you even ever watched a really good action movie? (such as the Bourne series, Shooter, Public Enemies...ANYTHING??)
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