Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I am playing indoor soccer!! YEA!! Sorry, this happened about 3 weeks ago, and I have not gotten around to posting about it!! :/ Sorry!! Well...Ashlee and I are playing with the string 1 travel team for our city!! It is a LOT of fun!! All the girls on that team are really good, and the teams that we play against are better than the teams we played against last season, so it is just a whole ton of fun!! We have already had 4 games. The first on we won, 2-1. The next Saturday, we had 2 games one right after another, and we won the first one, 7-2, and lost the second one, 7-0. Then last Sautrday, we played the same team we lost to the week before, and we lost again, but this time it was way closer, and we were ahead for most of the game! The score for last Saturday was 4-3. It is so much fun! I wish everyone could play!! Oh yea, here's something to clear up things, (mostly Mrs. B.).
Sambas- Way cool indoor soccer shoes made by Adidas. Picture>
In my opinion, absolutely vital to my survival!! :) jk! But they are the coolest shoes, ever! And, the picture is of the Classic Samba (which is what I have), in my opinion they are cooler than the new ones, the Samba Millenium, but others may argue otherwise.
Hope that helps!! ;)

1 comment:

jb said...

Thank you, Tori. I am happily enlightened. I hope you have a great season.