Friday, December 15, 2006

10 DAYS!!

There's only 10 days till Christmas!!! Aren't you all so excited!! I am! Still no snow, though. :( That's o.k. Christmas isn't about the snow!! It all about Jesus! It's not about us, or the gifts, or getting the perfect present for everyone on your list. It's about celebrating Jesus, and glorifying Him!! I hope that everyone will take the time to think about the real reason for this season this Christmas!! Merry Christmas!! (not Happy Holidays)


Anonymous said...

...and counting

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! It makes me way too hyper and excited, though :-) hugs

Anonymous said...

It is so much better when there is actually snow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let it snow...

Anonymous said...

i love snow but your so right. its hard to feel all warm inside though without snow outside...

Tori said...


Anonymous said...

yaaaaayyy!!!!! i love snow!!!!!!!!!!