This is a great verse that tells us, unmarried Christian teen girls (and married women), what God wants us to do with our life.
"An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivivded devotion to the Lord." ~1 Corinthians 7:34-35
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Barlow Girl Blend
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Yesterday, we played football with the youth group. It was a lot of fun. We played at a park near my house. We had 11 people; Dad, me, Ashlee, Naomi, Reuben, Sophie, Meghan, Kevin, Thacher, Andrew and Elias. It was a lot of fun! We played two hand shove. The field was totally mud except for the ends, and I think almost everyone, except for Sophie, slipped and got muddy. There was Ashlee, Sophie, Kevin, Thacher and Reuben on one team, and me, Dad, Elias, Naomi, and Meghan on the other team. Then Andrew came, and Reuben came to my team. My team lost, something like 8 or 9 to 4. Elias used Ashlee's cleats for a while, but his feet were hurting, and he took them off. It's no wonder they were hurting, Ashlee's feet a a couple sizes smaller than Elias'! Today at church, Elias was really sore! I think we all had an awesome time!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Free Hugs
This movie is so cool! I thought it was really cool how a bunch of people joined in, took signs and started giving people hugs!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Today is a day to be thankful for everything that God has blessed us with! I hope everyone will take some time to give thanks to God! We should also tell all of our family and friends that we are thankful for them! So, to all of my friends and family, I am very thankful that God has blessed me with all of you! Also, I'm thankful for the 212 things I posted on the post before this, along with other things (that I carelessly forgot!). I am so serious, I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on, and the post would never end! But I didn't think that anyone would take the time to read a post that went on and on and on and on, etc., so I just did 211 things. Anyways, I hope you all have a great thanksgiving wherever you are!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
212 Things I'm Thankful For
1. Dad, 2. Mom, 3. Ashlee, 4. Naomi, 5. Reuben, 6. Grandma, 7. Grandpa, 8. horses, 9. soccer, 10. Nana, 11. Jessica D., 12. Jessica L., 13. Erika, 14. Ellie, 15. Emma, 16. Gina, 17. Caitlin, 18. Kaeleigh, 19. Rebekah, 20. Mippi, 21. Noah, 22. Lucas, 23. Briana, 24. Alejandra, 25. Danielle B., 26. Snoopy, 27. my house, 28. Jaina, 29. my car, 30. Grandma Barb, 31. Grandpa Charlie, 32. Rachel K., 33. Camp Berea, 34. Bethany S., 35. Bathany O., 36. Sophie, 37. Meghan, 38. Carrie, 39. Jodi, 40. Mary, 41. Drew, 42. Hunter, 43. church, 44. music, 45. piano, 46. the internet, 47. my camera/photography, 48. Barlow Girl, 49. numbers, 50. God, 51. the alphabet, 52. my blog!, 53. Elias, 54. Mrs. Jones, 55. Mr. Jones, 56. the armed forces, 57. Brio, 58. the Bible, 59. prayer, 60. Colt, 61. Bub, 62. Brooklyn, 63. Faith, 64. computers, 65. Jessie Daniels, 66. names, 67. flowers, 68. water, 69. turkey, 70. movies, 71. mashed potatoes, 72. guitars, 73. windows, 74. showers, 75. the cross, 76. Josh, 77. my brain, 78. Esther, 79. snow, 80. air, 81. the sun, 82. Chris Tomlin, 83. Cd players, 84. homeschool, 85. Ana Laura, 86. books, 87. America, 88. courage, 89. babies, 90. Nathaneal, 91. Abby, 92. Sarah, 93. Melissa L., 94. Melissa D., 95. paper, 96. bananas, 97. eternal life, 98. family, 99. lessons, 100. butterflies, 101. Jesus, 102. Victoria, 103. Mrs. Hannigan, 104. Point of Grace, 105. Auntie Lisa, 106. youth group, 107. Sunday school, 108. eyes, 109. Ethan, 110. color, 111. Emily, 112. e-mail, 113. sound, 114. wood/trees, 115. blankets, 116. Mrs. Kathy, 117. self-control, 118. peace, 119. patience, 120. love, 121. friendship, 122. light, 123. jobs, 124. that God's always with me, 125. museums, 126. librarians, 127. songs, 128. purity, 129. mountians, 130. my heart, 131. brokenness, 132. laughter, 133. tears, 134. blessings, 135. tissues, 136. clothes, 137. socks, 138. friends, 139. Mike, Jackie and Joelle Brown, 140. peppermint, 141. police, 142. coats, 143. dictionaries, 144. Rebecca St. James, 145. stores, 146. the president, 147. sports, 148. that True Love Waits, 149. Aunt Jaquie, 150. Aunt Sylvia, 151. pens, 152. soap, 153. showers, 154. safety, 155. World Vision, 156. Bekah, 157. rabbits, 158. cheesecake, 159. monkeys, 160. science, 161. Mr. Scott, 162. Mrs. Wendy, 163. smells, 164. birthdays, 165. Easter, 166. Christmas, 167. Thanksgiving, 168. hot chocolate, 169. iced tea, 170. Mr. Wacome, 171. Mrs. Wacome, 172. DC Talk, 173. Steven Curtis Chapman, 174. ZOEgirl, 175. smiles, 176. hair, 177. Pam D., 178. kindness, 179. Joy Williams, 180. toothpaste, 181. hair brushes, 182. Twix, 183. C.S. Lewis, 184. scarves, 185. car CD players, 186. snow leopards, 187. Sharon Shinn, 188. intelegence, 189. imagionation, 190. art, 191. dogs, 192. the moon, 193. stars, 194. fonts, 195. farms, 196. origionality, 197. gloves, 198. wolves, 199. sunrises, 200. sunsets, 201. maturity, 202. Brian Davis, 203. cheesecake, 204. Krystal Meyers, 205. accents, 206. people I know, 207. traditional marriage, 208. clocks, 209. mercy, 210. uniqueness, 211. my bed, 212. freedom
P.S. These are not in any particular order. Also, I could probably get thousands of things, so I'm sorry if I missed something!
P.S. These are not in any particular order. Also, I could probably get thousands of things, so I'm sorry if I missed something!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Youth Conference
Yesterday we had a youth conference at my church! It was a lot of fun! Our church was hosting it, so we got to lead the singing! I played the keyboard, Dad and Kyle played acustic guitars and Kevin played his electric guitar. Unlce Ron played for a couple of songs. Some of our girls sang. I think it was Ashlee, Sophie, Brianna, Arianna, Erika, Katelyn and Kaeleigh. It was a lot of fun, and I don't know how it sounded, I'll have to see the movie Elias made. Uncle Ron came with his family, and he was the speaker, and he was awesome! He was so funny!! He talked about Elijah and Esther. It was a lot of fun! We played dodge ball in the interaction time, and it was crazy! Mom did a great job with the food! On Friday, she went shopping for food for the conference, and the car looked really funny because she had 8 bags of chips that filled up the whole back seat, and in the back, she had 8 jugs of lemonaide, and 8 jars of tomato sause, and a couple bags of other things!! It was crazy! We had a tallent time, too. Ashlee Sophie and Erika sang while I played the piano and Dad played the guitar. We did a song called "I am nothing" by Bebo Norman. I thought it sounded pretty cool!! One church did a puppet thing, and two people sang. We had a Bible quiz on Philippians. I was on my church's team with Lauren, Brianna and Erika. There was 3 teams other than us. We get second place! YEA!! GO US!! The team that we compeated against in the finals had been doing the quiz for a while, and it was our first time, so we did really well!! Also, we were all girls and the other team was all boys, so that was wierd! lol! I guess our worship people did really well, because we were invited to two churches!! All in all it was really fun!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
It's almost the most wonderful time of the year!!
YEA!! I can't wait untill the most wonderful time of the year is here! We're almost there! I love the smells if winter...the Christmas trees, the peppermint, snow, candles, cookies (yum, yum!), food and everything else that goes with Christmas!! I love trying to think of presents to fit each of my friends and family's unique personalities (even though this is terribly hard!). I really love wrapping presents, and then seeing the person getting the present's face when they open it (that is one of the best things!). I love going to church on Christmas weekend, and singing Christmas carols, and seeing everyone's Christmas outfits! I love going sledding and going over big jumps, and then wiping out! I love going home after sledding with friends and having hot chocolate with giant marshmallows! I love opening presents. I love going shopping with Erika for gifts for my friends and family. I love making jewelry for presents. I love everything about Christmas! I love celebrating Jesus' birth! The only two things that I don't like is having to clean out Snoopy's cage in the snow, and how this world today always tries to take Jesus out of Christmas. It's quite sad how some store emploies aren't even allowed to say "Merry Christmas", they have to say "Happy Holidays." It is sad.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I know that the title may have you thinking that the Revs won the MLS Cup, but, no, they didn't. :( They lost in penalty kicks. Matt Ries did awesome!! Two shots didn't go in for the Revs, and 1 shot was blocked for the Dinamo. They were tied 0-0 for the whole game, and then they went into over time. In the last four minutes, they each got a goal within two minutes of each other! The Revs got the first one, Taylor Twellman kicked it in, and then some guy from the Dynamo (duh!) scored on a header! Usually, Twellman scores on headers, but this time he didn't! The Revolution did awesome the whole game, it was just really disappointing that they lost. I bet they are going to get into the MLS Cup, and they are going to win!! GO REVS!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Today, our youth group played football against two other churches. It was flag football. We won 1, tied 2, and lost 1! I got two toutch downs!! YEA!! It was a lot of fun, even though I'm really tired now! We played on a soccer field! It was kind of weird, but that's O.K.! I guess I'm done, even though I havn't written much! TTYL!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A Daily Prayer of Mother Theresa
Dear Lord,
Help me spread Your fragrance wherever i go. Flood my soul with Your Spirit & Life. Penetrate me, possess my whole being so utterly all my life may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul i come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only You, O Lord! Let me preach You without preaching, not by words, but by my example by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what i do, the evident fullness of the love my heart bears to You.
Help me spread Your fragrance wherever i go. Flood my soul with Your Spirit & Life. Penetrate me, possess my whole being so utterly all my life may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul i come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only You, O Lord! Let me preach You without preaching, not by words, but by my example by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what i do, the evident fullness of the love my heart bears to You.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
8th (and last) Game of the Fall '06 Soccer Season
Today we played our last game this season! We played against S; last time we played them, we lost by 1, but it was off-sides. Today, we lost, 0-7. Yea, I's a terrible score for the last game. I know I said that we would win, but I'm not always right. Anyways, we only had 8 of the players on our team show up, which is insane. So, Naomi and another girl on her team, Victoria had to play for us. So we played 10 on 10. We played on astro turf. We definitely did not play very well. It was really cold out, and after our game, we got to go and sit in the freezing cold for Reuben and Naomi's games. Naomi was obviously tired, because she had just played a whole game for us, but she still stuck in there! I'm quite tired right now, too, and I can't think of anything to say, so I guess I'm done! But you havn't heard the last of me! I'll be back ranting about our games pretty soon, because I'm playing indoor this winter!! Mua-ha-ha-ha!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sorry I didn't post about what was supposed to be our last soccer game (last Saturday). It was canceled because of the rain!! That's o.k., though, I guess!! I have been really busy, and I'm really sorry I haven't posted! :/ So anyways, my Mom's birthday was last week!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! I love her very, very, very much!! (I couldn't make a blend for her, like I did for my Dad, because 1, I don't have very good pictures of her, and 2, I think she would probably get mad at me because she doesn't like any of the pictures I've taken of her!! lol!). She is an awesome person, and she always cares for everyone else before she even thinks about herself!! She is a gift from God!! She got some flowers from my Dad for her birthday, and I had to take pictures of them (you know me!! lol!). So here are some of them-

I thought they came out pretty good!! What do y'all think?
Oh, yea, and I made this blend of my sister a while ago-
I thought it came out pretty good!! lol!!

Oh, yea, and I made this blend of my sister a while ago-

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