Friday, November 25, 2005

White Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving (yesterday), it snowed for the 2nd time this year. My family and I went to my cousin Sean's high school football game. Somerville high school lost 24-0.
After Sean's football game, we went to my Nana's house for lunch. It was all really good, the turky, soup, potatos, veggies, and pies (yum, yum!).
I think that in all the turkey and dressing the REAL meaning of Thanksgiving gets lost. We should all take a minute to think about what we're thankful for. Even if you think you have nothing to be thankful for, I bet you could find at least one thing to be thankful for!!!
I'm thankful for...
family, friends, soccer, horses, food, clothes, the computer, TV, music...
If you are reading this post, could you leave a comment of at least one thing (or more!) that you're thankful for!!! Let's see how many people we can get to leave posts!!!
thanx!! ;D


Anonymous said...

I'm thankfull 4 my music as well!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! I'm thankful for, friends, food, family, CHRISTMAS (!!!), fun, internet, my house, Maggie, bathrooms (LOL!), doors, my stuff, God, umm, thats it for now! lol!

o ya! windowshades!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for my house, my sisters, friends, and everything God gave me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for friends, family, Christians, and countrymen, and God, and Jesus, and Grandma and Grandpa, and art, and,um, Nana, and, um, um, um, dogs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Food I like food!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had alot of fun at your Nana's house.

Tori said...

I like food, too!!! We did have alot of fun at my Nana's house!!LOL!!