Sunday, September 04, 2005


Today Bekah and Mr. Pette (as Kevin calls him) Hall came over after church. Right now Mr. Hall Is going over to the Torres' house to have Elias fix his computer. Mr. Hall said Bekah could do everything she wanted except have fun. Earlier this afternoon Dad was teaching Mr. Hall how to golf. It was interesting to watch. First Mr. Hall hit the ball into the side of the house so hard, now we have a dent on the side of our house! Then Dad hit the ball REALLY far and we couldn't find it!
Right now Bekah is playing the guitar. We are going to watch America's Funniest Home Videos and Extream Home Makeover.
Anyone who is reading this should watch a funny thing called "Store Wars" click here to watch it.
A couple of nights ago, my family was eating diner and we started talking about what we thought some 'Star Wars' out-takes would be! Here are some of them.
-In Episode 6 when the Ewoks go to fight the clones, when they run out of the woods, when they see the clones they scream and run away, instead of fighting them.
I can't think of anymore, and I am being forced to get off the computer, so...BYE, SEE YA LATER!!!!

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