Thursday, September 29, 2005
Clash vs Scorpions
Last Saturdaz, the mightz, mightz Clash played against the Dracut Scorpions. We won. The score was too much to not enongh (10-0). I got one goal and my sister Ashlee got one goal also. Almost everone on my team got a goal. It was not a very hard game, we just went out, kicked the ball around a little, and then scored. My coach kept on telling us to focus on our positoning, we were trying to, but how are you not supposed to score when you have the ball 10 feet in front of the net with almost no one in front of you????? Anyways.....
Today, Mom is going to visit the Jones in Georgia untill Sunday (Oct. 2nd). We are all going to miss her. I hope she has fun! Ashlee keeps on begging to go with her, I do not know why she keeps on asking even when she knows that the answer will be no.
Today is soccer practice (at five thirty). Naomi also has soccer practice (at five o clock). One of the girls on Ashlee and my team (Katelyn) has a sister on Naomis team, so, since we only have one car, we are going to drop Naomi off at her practice (leaving her there with Mrs. Borba (Katelyns mom), and Natalie (Katelyns sister)), while we take Katelyn to my practice with us. Then at the end of Naomis practice Mrs. Borba will drop off Naomi at the field Ashlee I practice at, and pick up Katelyn.
Also, sorry I have only been posting about soccer games (not that theres anything wrong with that), I havent really had time to post anything else (there isnt very much happening around here).
Today is soccer practice (at five thirty). Naomi also has soccer practice (at five o clock). One of the girls on Ashlee and my team (Katelyn) has a sister on Naomis team, so, since we only have one car, we are going to drop Naomi off at her practice (leaving her there with Mrs. Borba (Katelyns mom), and Natalie (Katelyns sister)), while we take Katelyn to my practice with us. Then at the end of Naomis practice Mrs. Borba will drop off Naomi at the field Ashlee I practice at, and pick up Katelyn.
Also, sorry I have only been posting about soccer games (not that theres anything wrong with that), I havent really had time to post anything else (there isnt very much happening around here).
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Clash vs T
Our last game (on last Saturday) wasn't as great as the first game. We lost. The score was 5-0. A sad loss, I know, but you have to keep a few things in mind about the game-
-The feild was HUGE! Alot bigger than we're used to, almost full-sized.
-The team we were playing agains was pretty good.
-The referee was really bad, he was coaching the other team, laughing at my team, and making unfair calls (for us, not for the other team).
-We only had 3 subs, the other team could sub out their whole team at a time.
-The field was really bad, there was hardly any grass, and the dirt was hard and slippery.
Oh...also I got to be captian for that game :)!
-The feild was HUGE! Alot bigger than we're used to, almost full-sized.
-The team we were playing agains was pretty good.
-The referee was really bad, he was coaching the other team, laughing at my team, and making unfair calls (for us, not for the other team).
-We only had 3 subs, the other team could sub out their whole team at a time.
-The field was really bad, there was hardly any grass, and the dirt was hard and slippery.
Oh...also I got to be captian for that game :)!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Clash vs Padres
My soccer team (the Lowell Clash) won our first soccer game against the Tewksbury Padres. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, this might seem like no big deal to all of you reading this (unless you're on the Clash), but it really is a HUGE deal. You see my soccer team does not like Tewksbury teams (I have nothing against the town, just the soccer teams) every single game we played against them last season we lost, and we had to play 4 differant teams, then we had to play 2 of the same teams we had already played against another time in a tournament at the end of the season (we lost both games)(one of the teams was the Padres), in other words we had to play 6 games against Tewksbury. I got kind of sick of Tewksbury teams. can you tell why it was such a big deal that we beat the Padres?????????? Anyways...the final score was 3-2. My sister Ashlee got a goal (YEA!)!!!!! And 2 other girls on my team, Kaitlyn and Christina, scored the other goals. All in all it was a pretty good game.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The Start of a New School Year
Yesterday, we started school!! I have Algebra 1 for math this year!! I'm also trying to learn French. I think it's kind of hard.
Yesterday, Ashlee and I had our second practice of the soccer season! We got our uniforms, there're cool!! I'm number 7 and Ashlee's number 11.
Me and another girl, Becky, are the tallest on my team. Most everyone else is short.
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you like CRAZY!!!!!!
Yesterday, Ashlee and I had our second practice of the soccer season! We got our uniforms, there're cool!! I'm number 7 and Ashlee's number 11.

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you like CRAZY!!!!!!
Words for Comments
F.Y.I.- Now if you want to leave a comment, you have to type in a word. This is so no computers can leave bad comments.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Today Bekah and Mr. Pette (as Kevin calls him) Hall came over after church. Right now Mr. Hall Is going over to the Torres' house to have Elias fix his computer. Mr. Hall said Bekah could do everything she wanted except have fun. Earlier this afternoon Dad was teaching Mr. Hall how to golf. It was interesting to watch. First Mr. Hall hit the ball into the side of the house so hard, now we have a dent on the side of our house! Then Dad hit the ball REALLY far and we couldn't find it!
Right now Bekah is playing the guitar. We are going to watch America's Funniest Home Videos and Extream Home Makeover.
Anyone who is reading this should watch a funny thing called "Store Wars" click here to watch it.
A couple of nights ago, my family was eating diner and we started talking about what we thought some 'Star Wars' out-takes would be! Here are some of them.
-In Episode 6 when the Ewoks go to fight the clones, when they run out of the woods, when they see the clones they scream and run away, instead of fighting them.
I can't think of anymore, and I am being forced to get off the computer, so...BYE, SEE YA LATER!!!!
Right now Bekah is playing the guitar. We are going to watch America's Funniest Home Videos and Extream Home Makeover.
Anyone who is reading this should watch a funny thing called "Store Wars" click here to watch it.
A couple of nights ago, my family was eating diner and we started talking about what we thought some 'Star Wars' out-takes would be! Here are some of them.
-In Episode 6 when the Ewoks go to fight the clones, when they run out of the woods, when they see the clones they scream and run away, instead of fighting them.
I can't think of anymore, and I am being forced to get off the computer, so...BYE, SEE YA LATER!!!!
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