sorry i
haven't posted in such a long time...
i've been kinda busy with school (i have 2 projects to work on and another one that we just learned about...good times...) and the
stinkin' awesome conference that we just had this weekend (which hopefully
i'll be able to post about soon...) and just life in general...hopefully
i'll have some pretty cool changes to the blog soon...our laptop is acting up, so once we figure out what's wrong and get it working again, i might be able to work on it and post some more pictures (i just took some pretty cool ones from
ashlee and
meghan's fencing class that i visited today!). so, just a brief random note about the conference, so we had it this weekend,
friday night, all day
saturday and
sunday morning. on
lamar did a concert which was fun, and our "band" played a couple songs. we only had one church (other than us) and 2 people show up, but it was a lot of fun anyways. so
saturday, we had more music, food and our speaker,
dwight knight (he's awesome!) did a couple sessions. we still only had us, the other church and a couple random people. but it was fun anyways! the other church was a lot of fun, and they just rock (without going into much detail!). we also had some game time at
LCA where there was a basketball tournament and a big soccer game (which is always fun!! :]) and a lot of fun and interesting experiences.
sunday we had regular church, but
dwight talked for
sunday school and for the praise and worship service. he was great!! so, that's the reader's digest version of our weekend, hopefully
i'll be able to go into detail and tell you all all the funny and just regular stories that came with it (and you'll get a big long post, too! such a deal!!). so, anyways, sorry i
haven't been posting as much, hopefully you
haven't totally deserted me, :( and stay tuned for posts, pictures, and changes!! have a great night! :]