O.K., So last Saturday, we played S {see note [at the bottom }. It was an interesting game, to say the least! Before the our game, at Naomi's game, it was pouring, but the rain stopped for our game! Yea! I was very excited, because we were still tied 0-0 at half time!! This is the first time since the beginning of the season [I know, the season just started, but still, it was exciting :)] that we have been tied at the half! We kept the ball on their side of the field most of the game, we just didn't take enough shots. Soooo...at the end of the game, the score was 0-1 and we lost, but we were all very happy that it hadn't been 10-0 or something crazy like that! I think that the score should have been still 0-0 at the end of the game, because their goal was off-sides, but that's o.k., the ref has a HUGE field to cover, and she did a pretty good job. But obviously, the S girls and coach didn't think that the ref did a good job because after the ref blew the whistle to signal the end of the game, one of the S girls said "thanks for nothing ref" and I think that she also said a bad word. The ref got really mad, and started yelling at her, telling her that she shouldn't talk to her that way, and other things.
Then, the
coach {surprise!! I thought that the coach was the one who was supposed to be telling his players
not to talk like that!} of S started saying bad things about the ref, like, he said that he had seen bad refs, but that one was the worst he's seen. I admit that she didn't do a perfect job, but she didn't do
that bad! I mean, talking like that is just plain rude and disrespectful! If a player
and a coach say stuff like that, and they say it more than once, they should not be able to participate or something! The first time, they should get a warning, then if they repeat it, someone should do something about it! I didn't think that people should get
that worked up over a couple bad calls! But anyways, enough about that! It was a pretty good game, and when we play them on their own field {the last game of the season} we are going to beat them! It was really cool after the game, because we got to see two of the people who were on my team last season play, and a girl who was on Ashlee's basket ball team last winter decided to play soccer, and is on the girls who used to be on my team's team [did you get that?!]. Anyways, we got to see some people we knew! And I guess I'll close now...SOCCER ROCKS!!
~*Note* I'm not going to use the team name, I'm just going to use the first letter of the town for a team "name" for safety reasons {now that we are on a "real" travel team, the teams don't have team names, they just use the city name, for example, G-U 14 City [Girls Under 14 city]}~