Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Clash vs. C 1
Last Sadurday, the mighty, mighty Clash played against C 1. We tied 2-2!! I got the first goal!! Pooja got the second goal!! We were so close to winning!! They got their two goals quite close to the end. The first one was mostly my fault. I should have gotten in the way of the ball, but I was out of postition. oopps. Anyways, we get to play them again in two weeks, so we are going to beat them then!! Anyways, the Clash is still undefeated!! GO CLASH!!!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Awesome Shoes
Yesterday, my family and I went to Bob's (a store) and I got these really awesome shoes!! They are called Adidas Adissage. They are the same thing as in the picture (on the Adidas website), but they have light blue on the straps in stead of white!! They are very comfortable!! I would recomend them to anyone!! They costed $20 at Bob's, and they costed $27 at Olympia Sports!! Anyways, I just wanted to tell everyone about them!! They come in a bunch of different colors, too.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Rainy Days Are Good Story Telling Days
Today, it is raining. The rain started to fall on Sunday, and has continued to fall to this day. Of course, the rain see it fit to come and inhabit our basement, so now our basement is flooded. Isn't that nice??!! We have been vacuuming our basement since Sunday morning, and my Mom had to stay home from church to vacuum the basement!! Is that crazy or what??!! Well, as most of you know, rainy days are good story telling days (as the title of this post suggests), so I will tell you all the stories of how I broke my bones.
The first bone that I broke in my lifetime was my right Radius bone (in my arm). For all you people who have no idea what bone that is, look at the picture ->. Anyway, this is how I broke it. We were at our friend's house a few winters ago. Our friends also happen to have a dog, his name is Cody. Wwwweeeellll...our friends had a big pile of snow in their front yard, and we were having fun running up and down the pile. One time, when I decided to run down the pile, Cody decided to run across the pile, right in front of me!! Well, when I was running down, Cody ran right in front of me, and I tripped over him and I landed on my arm, which landed on a garden border thing that was on the side of the sidewalk. Now, you must understand that Cody is not a small dog, but he is a Golden Retriever. Anyway, my arm really hurt, and after that I didn't run down the snow pile anymore. My Mom didn't think that it was broken, but we went to the ER later that night, and we found out that it was broken. I got to wear a purple cast for the next 6 weeks. It was not really fun, because I had to miss the Awana Games. Cody even signed my cast!! Well, that was the first bone I broke...
The second and third bones I broke were two of my toes. If you thought that how I broke my arm was weird, this is even weirder. Two summers after I broke my arm, my family and I went to my cousin's house in NY, because my cousins Caleb and Jessica, were visiting from Africa. While we were visiting, all the boys slept in the tree house, and all the girls slept in the play house. One day when we were playing, the girls were trying to take over the tree house, and the boys were trying to take over the play house. The girls finally got inside the tree house, but the boys were guarding the door, so that we couldn't get out. Caleb was guarding the door, and I wanted to get out, so, dumb me, I kicked the back of his lower leg. My two toes (the ones right after my big toe on my right foot) started to hurt really bad. When we got out, we went back to the play house and I told my cousin Jessica that I thought I had broken my toes. My toes turned 5 shades of purple. I have to admit, they looked pretty cool, but they hurt like crazy!! We wrapped the two toes together, so they wouldn't get any more damage. Now, my toes look strange, because they were wrapped together. They are kind of crooked. Once Caleb asked me what happened to my toes, and I told him that I had broken them by kicking his leg. He said that he hadn't felt anything!! Well, I had to wrap them through the camp session that year, but other than that, I don't think there was anything else major that I couldn't do because of them. *Note* We never went to the doctor's to get my toes checked out! oopps!!
The fourth, and final bone that I've broken so far, was my pinky
finger. Although the picture is of the right hand, and I broke my left pinky finger, you can get the general idea from the picture ->. While playing soccer, last spring, I was fighting (you know what I mean) with a girl from the other team for the ball. Somehow, I tripped (I think the girl tripped me, but it could have been anything), and fell on my left hand. My hand started to swell, and I had a bump on both sides on my hand (on the pinky side). My coach took me out of the game, and had me ice my hand, but after I had iced it for a while, he put me back in, and I played for the rest of the game. One of the people at my church is a doctor, so we had him look at it the next day (which was Sunday), and he said there was probably nothing to worry about. One of our friends is a radioligist, and she looked at my hand, and then took me into the hospital to have my hand X-Rayed. She said that if there was nothing wrong with my hand, that I could keep the X-Ray. Unfortunatly, there was something wrong, so I couldn't keep the X-Ray. I broke the (pinky) metacarpal bone really close to the joint. The doctor was concerned that there had been damage done to the joint, so I almost had to have a surgury to put something into my hand so that nothing bad would happen. Anyway, I didn't have to have a surgury, but I had to get a cast. I got a white cast, and people signed it in colored markers. It looked really cool!! But...I couldn't play for most of the rest of the season. I got to play the last two games, the second to last one, we put some sort of soft thing around my cast, and I was able to play. For the last game, I had a splint, so we wrapped the splint in an ACE Bandage, and I was able to play that game. Well, I'm glad that there was nothing really wrong with my hand!!
Well, that's the end of story time today!! I hope that you enjoyed reading my story!!

The first bone that I broke in my lifetime was my right Radius bone (in my arm). For all you people who have no idea what bone that is, look at the picture ->. Anyway, this is how I broke it. We were at our friend's house a few winters ago. Our friends also happen to have a dog, his name is Cody. Wwwweeeellll...our friends had a big pile of snow in their front yard, and we were having fun running up and down the pile. One time, when I decided to run down the pile, Cody decided to run across the pile, right in front of me!! Well, when I was running down, Cody ran right in front of me, and I tripped over him and I landed on my arm, which landed on a garden border thing that was on the side of the sidewalk. Now, you must understand that Cody is not a small dog, but he is a Golden Retriever. Anyway, my arm really hurt, and after that I didn't run down the snow pile anymore. My Mom didn't think that it was broken, but we went to the ER later that night, and we found out that it was broken. I got to wear a purple cast for the next 6 weeks. It was not really fun, because I had to miss the Awana Games. Cody even signed my cast!! Well, that was the first bone I broke...
The second and third bones I broke were two of my toes. If you thought that how I broke my arm was weird, this is even weirder. Two summers after I broke my arm, my family and I went to my cousin's house in NY, because my cousins Caleb and Jessica, were visiting from Africa. While we were visiting, all the boys slept in the tree house, and all the girls slept in the play house. One day when we were playing, the girls were trying to take over the tree house, and the boys were trying to take over the play house. The girls finally got inside the tree house, but the boys were guarding the door, so that we couldn't get out. Caleb was guarding the door, and I wanted to get out, so, dumb me, I kicked the back of his lower leg. My two toes (the ones right after my big toe on my right foot) started to hurt really bad. When we got out, we went back to the play house and I told my cousin Jessica that I thought I had broken my toes. My toes turned 5 shades of purple. I have to admit, they looked pretty cool, but they hurt like crazy!! We wrapped the two toes together, so they wouldn't get any more damage. Now, my toes look strange, because they were wrapped together. They are kind of crooked. Once Caleb asked me what happened to my toes, and I told him that I had broken them by kicking his leg. He said that he hadn't felt anything!! Well, I had to wrap them through the camp session that year, but other than that, I don't think there was anything else major that I couldn't do because of them. *Note* We never went to the doctor's to get my toes checked out! oopps!!
The fourth, and final bone that I've broken so far, was my pinky

Well, that's the end of story time today!! I hope that you enjoyed reading my story!!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Erika says that she doesn't want to write a post for my blog!! She is cucu!! She is also crazy!! LOL!! She is just laughing!! I don't know why!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Clash vs. Rockets (AGAIN!)
Today we had to play against the Rockets again!! We tied 1-1. It was not the best game our team has ever played. We were not playing very well. We were bunching, we were letting the other team get the ball, and we weren't charging the goal. The referee wasn't very good. On the goal the Rockets got, the girl was off-sides, but the ref didn't call it. Becky got the only goal!! Go Becky!! She was (if you are facing the opposing team's goal) on the right side of the goal, about a yard away from the end line. She kicked the ball at the goal, and the ball went in between the keeper and the goal post!! YEA!! Well, still cheer for the Clash!! We are still undefeated!! GO CLASH!!!!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Sabre's Final Score
The Sabres won!! YEA!!! The score was 3-0, just in case you didn't get that!! Anyways, sorry I didn't post at the end of the game, we had to eat dinner, then we had to go to our friend's house. GO SABRES!!!!
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