Two Sundays ago (March 5), my family, my aunt, uncle, and two of my cousins went to see the
Star Wars exibit a

t the Museum of Science in Boston. It was SO COOL!! Oh gosh, let me say it again, IT WAS SO COOL!!! Elias is going to kill me, but I am going to put ALOT of pictures on this post!! Words cannot explain how cool it was!! Some people might not agree with me, but who cares, I thought it was awesome!! There was alot of hands-on things in the exibit!! Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder (
<) was there!! It was really cool!! There was all of these costumes, and models, and props. Now, I am a Star Wars fan, so if you're not a Star Wars fan, you would most likely not like the exibit!! (Duh!!) At one of the hand-on stations, you could build a robot, and then program it to do things, like go forward, backward, right, and left. Another one had you try to make a large robot walk with a bunch of lever thingies. I am going to bore you all to death with all of the pictures, but you know what, I love my camera!! Here are only a fraction of all the pictures I took-

Padme Amadala

Darth Vader

Princess Leia, R2D2, and C3PO
After we went through the exibit, we saw a movie called "
Wired to Win" in the Omni Theater. It was SO COOL!!! The Omni Theater is SO AWESOME!! After the movie, we were leaving, there was an auction to raise money for the musuem (it was at the museum.). There was alot of museum staff dressed up as Star Wars charecters!! It was SO COOL!! We got our pictures taken with Chewy, and clones!!

If you want to see some more pictures, please leave a comment!!